[Action - Campfire Post I] [Locked to people in Terra]

Aug 04, 2010 19:35

[Night has fallen and a small fire flickers in the dark, the only bright thing in a landscape that's utterly black. Terra has no moon and if there are stars, one cannot tell since the sky is shrouded by clouds. Mikoto is sitting cross-legged by the fire, her hands tucked in her lap.

This is a great place to camp, right? It totally is. Let's toast ( Read more... )

vivi orunitia, serah farron, rikku, genesis rhapsodos, mikoto, mjrn, warrior of light, edward chris von muir, blank, !action post

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dewdrop_pebbles August 5 2010, 14:51:39 UTC
[Mjrn glances over to the girl, growing a bit concerned at her demeanor. There's certainly reason to be pensive, even nervous, but as much as she might be herself, she wishes to alleviate it in others. After a moment, she sits a little closer.]

...are you well?


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dewdrop_pebbles August 7 2010, 19:46:46 UTC
[For a moment, there's a wry smile on Mjrn's lips as she nods.]

It is much the same, with me. I mean not to intrude, but perhaps...perhaps troubles shared may ease them for a time. If you wish, that is....


xredthespianx August 5 2010, 07:08:02 UTC
[ Blank sits by the fire, sharpening his daggers. Once he is happy they are sharp enough he sets them aside and pulls the blanket up around himself, staring into the flames.

He has a lot on his mind. If they succeed then things are likely to go back to the way they were before... That's what everyone is saying. On the one hand it is good because maybe, just maybe, he'll be able to find Marcus, Ruby, Cinna, Baku and all the others. But on the other hand it means losing all the new friends his made and those who have been given a second chance. ]


dewdrop_pebbles August 5 2010, 14:51:30 UTC
[Mjrn can't sleep. She tries, but her mind and body remain tense, expecting an ambush as soon as she becomes drowsy. Rest is needed, she knows, but her body doesn't seem to want to listen.

Giving up for the time being, Mjrn stretches and sits up once more, drawing her knees up to her chin. A idle glance over reveals Blank still awake, and so after a moment's hesitation -not wanting to bother him- she settles down near him.]



xredthespianx August 5 2010, 16:28:32 UTC
[ Blank turns his attention away from the flames at the sound of Mjrn's voice and he shoots her a smile, even if it is somewhat forced. ]

Hey Mjrn, you can't sleep either, huh?


dewdrop_pebbles August 6 2010, 04:25:40 UTC
[She shakes her head, not about to deny it.]

No, I cannot. This world...it is too unsettling. Even when I close my eyes, I see it still. Should I sleep, I am certain it shall plague my dreams.


dewdrop_pebbles August 5 2010, 14:45:09 UTC
[Mjrn is quiet as she sits by the fire, first tending to her spear and then checking her supplies. She wants to be sure that everything is as it ought to be, and that she won't be lacking anything at a critical moment. The journey so far as made her a bit sore, but she does not give voice to such complaints, certain that the others are feeling similarly.

Stretching, Mjrn stares into the fire, leaving much of her food untouched. She knows she ought to take care of herself, to prepare for the trials ahead, but it's difficult to force an appetite. Instead, she stares pensively at the flames, becoming lost in thought.]


nomerevessel August 5 2010, 21:07:36 UTC
[Mikoto shifts ever so slightly to stare at Mjrn.]

You are a Viera.


dewdrop_pebbles August 6 2010, 04:25:57 UTC
[Mikoto's voice stirres Mjrn out of her reverie. She glances over at the girl and nods at that.]

Aye, this is so. Though little do I have in common with my village kin, now.


nomerevessel August 6 2010, 23:23:39 UTC
[Mikoto nods.]

The Viera of the Eruyt village refuse to make any contact with outsiders. They have secluded themselves from the whole world, even from us.


melodiesoflute August 5 2010, 23:55:02 UTC
[While it proved to be a sleepless night, Edward hoped his comrades would fare better than he. Idly plucking the strings of his lyre, the bard played a soothing tune that would hopefully lull his tired companions to sleep. They needed their rest for what tomorrow brings, but most of all they needed to rest for the sake of their mind and bodies. Their plight against the Silver Dragons left them all feeling a tad fatigue, more so than others.]


morehatthanmage August 6 2010, 00:10:23 UTC
[Vivi had been struggling to stay awake and vigilant in case more monsters attacked. He didn't feel safe sleeping, not when there were so many things to have nightmares about in this world. And he felt like a liability sleeping when someone else had to take guard duty.

But he was small and young and it had been an exhausting day. He'd been fighting his hardest not to sleep and just about succeeding but once the music started he slowly began to drift off, curling up tighter and tighter against the evening chill until he toppled to one side gracelessly, asleep.]


melodiesoflute August 7 2010, 19:05:34 UTC
[Edward chuckled lightly once the mage fell over. He had to admit, he was glad to see the other slumber after such a tiring day. His comrades were trying their best to forsake sleep, not at all realizing how important rest truly is.]

Sleep well, little one.


dewdrop_pebbles August 6 2010, 04:25:28 UTC
[Mjrn is indeed exhausted, one of the downsides of being on the front lines of battle. She not at all resent her role, but her body aches and she knew rest is needed. As Edward begins to play, she settles nearby and stretches out, turning her face toward him. The music is a soothing balm to her frayed nerves and she seems to relax while listening to his music, though her eyes to not yet close.]


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