Game 4 Participation Banners

May 14, 2012 19:49

Hey everyone, as sunflower_mynah mentioned, this game we're running a special shop of sorts where you can use gil to purchase banners that can be used as sigtags. The banners will have a particular level and class rank on them (which varies depending on what class you are).

There are 10 levels of tags you can purchase using your gil, with prices given below. In addition, when you sign up you'll be given a generic Lv. 0 tag. For free! The banners can be used as a sigtag in ff_classchange, ff_minigames, etc.

Each banner has the following:
(1) Your name/username
(2) Your class name
(3) Your level and the corresponding rank (depends on your class; they are a secret)
(4) An image of one of your favorite characters (as given in your sign-up)

[Sample banner]

Signing Up:
Before you start buying, you need to first sign up by filling out this form and leaving it as a reply in the Sign Up thread below.

Name or username you want on the banner:
Favorite color:
Dark or light banner:
Favorite characters: [link or fill out:]
#1 (MOST favorite):
#10 (least favorite of the ones given):

Some notes:
• Favorite color -- This will affect the shade of the left side of the banner (in the sample linked above, favorite color = green). EDIT: Adding color hexcodes is also helpful.
• EDIT: Dark or light banner -- The dark banner will only be used when you want a dark shade to be used. It also changes the font used to white. Relatively light/neutral colors do not work well for the dark banner. [Light] [Dark]
• Favorite character list -- You must have 10 characters sorted from number one favorite at the top to tenth favorite at the bottom. This will be used for the right side of the banner. Your Lv. 1 tag will have your 10th favorite character, your Lv. 2 tag will have your 9th favorite character and so on. You can have repeats if you like, just make sure that all ten slots are given to somebody so I know who to use for each banner. If you already gave your list of 10 favorite characters (in order) here, you can just give me a link instead of a list and I'll go with that.

Price Table:
Here is the gil necessary to buy each banner:

RankCostTotal gil spent

How to Buy:
Fill out this form and post it as a new comment below (don't put it under the sign-ups thread):

Current rank:
Rank I'm buying:

Buying Rules:
• You may use only gil earned during the current game to buy participation banners. If you're unsure as to whether you're eligible for a particular rank, check the gil sheet to see if you've earned the total amount of gil required for each rank -- there is a special column for gil earned in Game 4.

• You can purchase as many ranks as you are eligible for (and can afford) at one go, and you pay the difference between the new rank and the rank you last purchased. Therefore, if you do not purchase anything until Rank 5, you pay the 2500 gil at one go; if your last purchase was a Rank 3 banner, you pay 1300 gil.

Tips for Earning Gil:
Participating in any community will earn you gil. However, the community that gives out the most gil is airship_lounge, so keep that in mind.

Be sure to come back to this post whenever you've earned enough gil to get the next level!

!modpost, banners, !shops

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