After countless hours and half a dozen revisions, the Game 2 Art Scale is FINALLY here. The new art scale is complicated enough to justify its own post, so here we go:
Tallying up points for digital pieces is a six-step process. The first three steps are the base that relate to how lines and color have been laid down. The next two steps are bonuses that are applied onto the base. Finally, the last step (done after the earlier bonuses, so unaffected by them) deals with work done on the background.
I. Line quality - doodle/sketch, rough lineart, clean lineart
II. Amount of shading - lineart only, flat color, some shading, medium shading, lots of shading, photorealistic
III. Use of color - monochrome, full color
IV. Amount of body - bust/chibi, half-body, full
V. Extra characters
VI. Background
I. Line quality
• Doodle/sketch = something drawn with either no or minimal erasing; a first draft (+5)
• Rough lineart = something where an initial sketch was laid down first and later drawn over, OR where a significant amount of erasing & redrawing was done; BUT there is still a significant amount of roughness to the lines; a second+ draft (+10)
• Clean lineart = the linework is very clean/fine with few rough spots or errors (+15)
II/III. Shading & use of color
• Lineart only = the insides of shapes has been left the default color and not filled, or only a very small portion of the piece has been filled (--)
• Flat color/no shades = something where a flat layer of color has been laid down with either no or very sparse shades; OR some shading has been performed but the coloring work is highly rough/blurry/messy (+5 monochrome / +10 full color)
• Some shading = the coloring is both not as messy as described above AND a darker shade has been used throughout most of the piece (+15 monochrome / +20 full color)
• Medium shading = multiple lighter/darker shades have been used throughout the piece, OR the piece is very cleanly/precisely cel-shaded (+30 monochrome / +35 full color)
• Lots of shading = heavy use of shading that begins to convey form more than the linework does (+50 monochrome / +60 full color)
• Photorealistic = shading conveys realistic lighting and form like a photograph (+80 monochrome / +90 full color)
Summarized in this table:
↓ II. ShadingI. Line Quality →
↓ III. Use of Color[1] Sketch
5 points[2] Rough Lineart
10 points[3] Clean Lineart
15 points[0] Lineart only--5 points10 points15 points[1] Flat Color / No ShadingNo color (5 points)10 points
[ex.]15 points20 pointsColor (+5 points)15 points
[ex.]20 points25 points
[ex.][2] Some ShadingNo color (15 points)20 points25 points30 pointsColor (+5 points)25 points
[ex.]30 points
[ex.]35 points[3] Medium ShadingNo color (30 points)35 points40 points45 pointsColor (+5 points)40 points45 points
[ex.]50 points
[ex.][4] Lots of ShadingNo color (50 points)55 points60 points65 pointsColor (+10 points)65 points
[ex.]70 points
[ex.]75 points[4] PhotorealisticNo color (80 points)85 points90 points95 pointsColor (+10 points)95 points
[ex.]100 points105 points
[ex.] IV. Amount of body
• Chibi or bust = x1
• Torso (between bust and full body) = x1.3
• Full body (2/3 of body or more) = x1.6
V. Extra characters
Calculate separately the point amount they'd get for I-IV above, and multiply by .6 (this amount is then added on)
VI. Background
• Solid color, gradient, premade background = --
• Sketchy, undetailed background = +10 points
• Detailed background = +25 points
• Painting-level background = +50 points
Each medium has a slightly different base point system (I, II, & III above), but for all traditional media, the body amount and extra character bonuses (III & IV above) apply in exactly the same way. All traditional media use this altered background system as well:
VI. Background
• No background = --
• Solid color, gradient, simple pattern = +5 points
• Sketchy, undetailed background = +15 points
• Detailed background = +30 points
• Painting-level background = +55 points
Line quality and shading scales here are the same as digital. For color, see the color pencil scale below.
Other bonuses
+5 for using a significant amount of dark shades in the piece
If another medium was used for the lineart, first determine what that lineart/sketch would have gotten and then add the regular points for colored shading. Otherwise, assign the linework 5/10/15 points based on its cleanness and then add color/shading bonuses.
Other bonuses
+5 for achieving more solid non-patchy colors / high contrast between dark and light in the piece
Evaluate the piece using the crayon/color pencil scale and add 5 points for using pastels.
Like pencils, pens are easy to use and not too hard to buy or find. Unlike pencils (and like markers) they instantly produce a dark color, and therefore aren't as good at conveying intermediate shades. For color, see the color pen scale below.
• Sketch/doodle = same as digital (5)
• Rough lineart = same as digital (10)
• Clean lineart = a +5 boost from digital here (20)
Other bonuses
• Dynamic line widths = +5 points
• Significant amount of solid black areas = +10 points
• Hatching/detailing = +5 for some amount / +10 for a large amount of very fine detailing
For this, first determine what the lineart would get (if there is no lineart, use edges between colors to determine the linework quality), and then evaluate the coloring on the same scale as digital except 5 pts higher.
Color & shading
• Flat color = +10 monochrome / +15 color
• Some shading = +20 monochrome / +25 color
• Medium shading = +35 monochrome / +40 color
• Lots of shading = +55 monochrome / +65 color
• Photorealistic = +85 monochrome / +95 color
Other bonuses
• Smooth/non-streaky colors = +5 points
Case-by-case. Watercolors are done similar to markers with a small boost. Acrylic and oil are given slightly more than watercolor.
Anything else not covered here (e.g. landscape art, pixel art, etc.) is on a case-by-case basis at this time. If there is a piece where the mod and artist have a difficult time trying to assign a category, the piece will be awarded a point value in between the two closest categories.
I've updated the
art posting format to reflect the info needed for this new art scale. Let me know if you have any questions. Any suggestions to this scale, unless an emergency, will be held until the between-game feedback period after Game 2 ends.
Tallying up points for digital pieces is a six-step process. The first three steps are the base that relate to how lines and color have been laid down. The next two steps are bonuses that are applied onto the base. Finally, the last step (done after the earlier bonuses, so unaffected by them) deals with work done on the background.
I. Line quality - doodle/sketch, rough lineart, clean lineart
II. Amount of shading - lineart only, flat color, some shading, medium shading, lots of shading, photorealistic
III. Use of color - monochrome, full color
IV. Amount of body - bust/chibi, half-body, full
V. Extra characters
VI. Background
I. Line quality
• Doodle/sketch = something drawn with either no or minimal erasing; a first draft (+5)
• Rough lineart = something where an initial sketch was laid down first and later drawn over, OR where a significant amount of erasing & redrawing was done; BUT there is still a significant amount of roughness to the lines; a second+ draft (+10)
• Clean lineart = the linework is very clean/fine with few rough spots or errors (+15)
II/III. Shading & use of color
• Lineart only = the insides of shapes has been left the default color and not filled, or only a very small portion of the piece has been filled (--)
• Flat color/no shades = something where a flat layer of color has been laid down with either no or very sparse shades; OR some shading has been performed but the coloring work is highly rough/blurry/messy (+5 monochrome / +10 full color)
• Some shading = the coloring is both not as messy as described above AND a darker shade has been used throughout most of the piece (+15 monochrome / +20 full color)
• Medium shading = multiple lighter/darker shades have been used throughout the piece, OR the piece is very cleanly/precisely cel-shaded (+30 monochrome / +35 full color)
• Lots of shading = heavy use of shading that begins to convey form more than the linework does (+50 monochrome / +60 full color)
• Photorealistic = shading conveys realistic lighting and form like a photograph (+80 monochrome / +90 full color)
Summarized in this table:
IV. Amount of body
• Chibi or bust = x1
• Torso (between bust and full body) = x1.3
• Full body (2/3 of body or more) = x1.6
V. Extra characters
Calculate separately the point amount they'd get for I-IV above, and multiply by .6 (this amount is then added on)
VI. Background
• Solid color, gradient, premade background = --
• Sketchy, undetailed background = +10 points
• Detailed background = +25 points
• Painting-level background = +50 points
Each medium has a slightly different base point system (I, II, & III above), but for all traditional media, the body amount and extra character bonuses (III & IV above) apply in exactly the same way. All traditional media use this altered background system as well:
VI. Background
• No background = --
• Solid color, gradient, simple pattern = +5 points
• Sketchy, undetailed background = +15 points
• Detailed background = +30 points
• Painting-level background = +55 points
Line quality and shading scales here are the same as digital. For color, see the color pencil scale below.
Other bonuses
+5 for using a significant amount of dark shades in the piece
If another medium was used for the lineart, first determine what that lineart/sketch would have gotten and then add the regular points for colored shading. Otherwise, assign the linework 5/10/15 points based on its cleanness and then add color/shading bonuses.
Other bonuses
+5 for achieving more solid non-patchy colors / high contrast between dark and light in the piece
Evaluate the piece using the crayon/color pencil scale and add 5 points for using pastels.
Like pencils, pens are easy to use and not too hard to buy or find. Unlike pencils (and like markers) they instantly produce a dark color, and therefore aren't as good at conveying intermediate shades. For color, see the color pen scale below.
• Sketch/doodle = same as digital (5)
• Rough lineart = same as digital (10)
• Clean lineart = a +5 boost from digital here (20)
Other bonuses
• Dynamic line widths = +5 points
• Significant amount of solid black areas = +10 points
• Hatching/detailing = +5 for some amount / +10 for a large amount of very fine detailing
For this, first determine what the lineart would get (if there is no lineart, use edges between colors to determine the linework quality), and then evaluate the coloring on the same scale as digital except 5 pts higher.
Color & shading
• Flat color = +10 monochrome / +15 color
• Some shading = +20 monochrome / +25 color
• Medium shading = +35 monochrome / +40 color
• Lots of shading = +55 monochrome / +65 color
• Photorealistic = +85 monochrome / +95 color
Other bonuses
• Smooth/non-streaky colors = +5 points
Case-by-case. Watercolors are done similar to markers with a small boost. Acrylic and oil are given slightly more than watercolor.
Anything else not covered here (e.g. landscape art, pixel art, etc.) is on a case-by-case basis at this time. If there is a piece where the mod and artist have a difficult time trying to assign a category, the piece will be awarded a point value in between the two closest categories.