Yes, you loved them.
Yes, they died.
Yes, they were killed by terrorist action.
Now let it go.
They would not be any less dead (or missed) had they died peacefully in their sleep, or after a painful battle with cancer, or by being hit by a drunk driver, or just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. (And, yes, I know it's not easy to let go. I may not have known anyone who died by terrorist acts, but my cousin was
murdered in his own front yard simply because a malefactor wanted a different car, and I was filled with grief and fury for a long time afterwards.)
Let yourself heal. By choosing to hold on to your pain and fear and anger, you allow the terrorists to achieve their aim.
Fight terrorism. Reject terrorism. Refuse to allow it to fill your thoughts, or to affect your day-to-day activities. Go to work and perform your customary tasks in your usual fashion. Eat your average run-of-the-mill dinner, and do your usual Monday evening activities. Live your life the same as any other day, give terrorism no hold over you, and you have won.