It took about 45 minutes. I'd say 10 of those minutes were at least an 8, like when she went over the bone and for some reason it hurt more on the left side (not sure why!).
It feels like when you nick a soft spot on your legs when you shave, except for the *entire time* haha or like someone is dragging a hot razor across your skin really slowly.
Comments 2
on a scale of 1-10 how much did it hurt?
It took about 45 minutes. I'd say 10 of those minutes were at least an 8, like when she went over the bone and for some reason it hurt more on the left side (not sure why!).
It feels like when you nick a soft spot on your legs when you shave, except for the *entire time* haha or like someone is dragging a hot razor across your skin really slowly.
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