☼ Anyone may participate. There are no sign-up posts or claims.
☼ Your set of 20 icons must include at least 5 icons that are directly inspired by this theme. The other 15 are up to you, but you have the option of making all 20 inspired by the theme.
☼ Indicate in your post which 5-20 icons are inspired by the theme.
☼ Post your icons in a new post. This may be in this community or in a public post in your own icon journal/community. If you do the latter, make a post in this community with a link to the post.
☼ When posting, leave three icons outside the cut/link. The subject should be, "#1: [your username]". I will tag all entries.
☼ The
How It Works post has been revised over and over again during January, so please take another look at it because things may have changed!
☼ All icons are due by 11:59pm EST on February 20th. If you need an extension, please message me.
dixonmonstersinyounovindalfadriftingseaqueen_bartoniakitamikeitaloka_boneshyacinthos rocketgirl2ddionysiatturnersnovindalftturnershbicstturnersnovindalf shameless666motorizedkayableshameless666mm3butterflysietepecadosabsolutelybattyviolateraindrop naive_astronautsietepecadoslemonzterspirits_risedixonstarkwarsneatmonsterlady_kingsley sunshineravenlongerthanwedotturnersadriftingseaviolateraindropafeastformelagerthassviolateraindrop I know you're seeing black and white
So I'll paint you a clear blue sky
Without you I am colour-blind
It's raining every time I open my eyes
--Troye Sivan, "Blue"
winterfellsrose Blue Nude II -- Henri Matisse
grrlhood Avond (Evening): The Red Tree -- Piet Mondrian
muddled-headspace letdiegolunatouchjabbathehutt The Starry Night -- Vincent van Gogh
The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night.
― Haruki Murakami, "Dance Dance Dance"
digitaldesignerraiindusttalipuurebelraiindust unknown
lookslikerain unknown