It's here! Time to sign up!
Before signing up, please read
the rules. If you're looking for meta ideas (or some general pointers on what we mean by "meta") take a look at the meta plotbunny exchange:
on LJ /
on DW. (Note: this post contains different comments on LJ and DW, so you may wish to look at both.) There is also a list of meta resources here:
on LJ /
on DW.
Posting dates and topics are not "first come, first serve" - more than one person can sign up for the same date, or for the same (or similar) topics. This is a low-pressure fest. You can sign up all the way until posting begins at the start of March, and there is no penalty for dropping out or being late.
March 1:
sholio (Watching a series in realtime vs. marathoning);
pirateveronica (Struggle with Race and Gender in JJ Abram's Star Trek relaunch)
March 2:
mecurtin (Reality TV and good story-telling);
snowynight (How the women of Marvel comics are written);
lunabee34 (Fannish Trajectories: Isolation, a Sense of Disconnection from Fandom, and How We Deal)
March 3:
snowynight (Rare Marvel femslash pairing: a ship manifesto);
cranberryloops (Diagnosing Sherlock)
March 4:
ar (The song "After You Get What You Want, You Don't Want It" and its use in Boardwalk Empire)
March 5:
executrix ("Do Give Up the Ship": why I don't believe in shipping)
March 6:
elf (Fanfiction, ebooks, & self-publishing)
March 7:
melayneseahawk (Alternate universe versus alternate reality: a terms manifesto)
March 8:
ficofandalasia (History, Time and Disney)
March 9:
somnolentblue (Fannish infrastructure and reccing)
March 10:
maekala (Megaupload and piracy in fandom);
leesa_perrie (Rodney McKay character exploration);
terajk (Disability in A:tLA)
March 11:
carenejeans (M/M slash does not "erase" women's sexuality)
March 12:
dagas_isa (Being a small fandom fan)
March 13:
ficofandalasia (Disney and Magic); Fel (Representing video game mechanics in fic, focused to RPGs and MMOs)
March 14:
china_shop (Comparing the writing and vidding processes, in a creative fannish context)
March 15:
veleda_k (How the women of White Collar are written);
trobadora (The rewritten childhood in Doctor Who and Legend of the Seeker);
jordan_frog (Why is fic dealing with transgenderism so common in the Sherlock fandom?)
March 16:
yourlibrarian (The ultimate squicks in fan fiction versus canon)
March 17:
seekingferret (Undermining fannish assumptions about "Written by the Victors");
morganlucas41 (Open vs. closed canon, and how viewing a show all at once vs. as it airs alters fans’ perceptions of the show)
March 18:
ambyr (Gender representation in A:tLA);
ar (Why I wish people would stop ragging on legacy newspaper strips)
March 19:
executrix (The two most terrifying High School Horror shows: Freaks and Geeks and My So-Called Life);
anotherslashfan (Some trends of writing threesomes/moresomes)
March 20:
amaresu (Remixing);
solesakuma (Do You Trust Your Friends?: On Remixing)
March 21:
sistermagpie (Remakes: Why we hate them, why we fear them, why they're not always so bad);
xenoamorist (Representation of Asians in Supernatural)
March 22:
kimboosan (The Presumed Social Contract: the effect of fandom size and personality on community continuity);
terabient (The different ways video games build narrative);
daigranon (Katekyo Hitman Reborn: lack of strong female characters, why this may be, and how fans compensate)
March 23:
coneyislandbaby (Falling for minor characters in large fandoms);
sophia_sol (Getting into a fandom when you know nothing of the canon)
March 24:
mithen (Multi-Canon Fandoms);
teambenevolence (The Women of Final Fantasy X)
March 25:
hollow_echos (Methods of interaction in fandom);
dagas_isa (Thoughts on writing humor in fanfic)
March 26:
bandykullan (Keeping to the canon - navigating the fan world without any interest in AU or non-canon ships);
skogsraa_v (Different categories of things to like in canon)
March 27:
kriadydragon (Neal Caffrey meta);
umbrella_half (Queer Dynamics/Dynamic Queers: Gender and Sexuality in Fandom)
March 28:
frith-in-thorns (either female characters in h/c, or mental illness as portrayed in crime fandoms);
ninety6tears (The hypothetical asexuality of Clyde Barrow in Bonnie & Clyde)
March 29:
thatyourefuse (Harry/Ros ship manifesto (Spooks));
inner_v0ice (Tradition, modernity and the self in Rurouni Kenshin and Kaze Hikaru);
prozacpark (Women and sexuality in media);
thatyourefuse (The Mirror, The Cage, And The Invisible Stick: Female Narratives in Boardwalk Empire, Or Why Gillian-Margaret Is My Endgame Partnership.)
March 30:
kriadydragon (A beginner's guide to fanfiction: definitions, advice and what to expect)
March 31:
terajk (Disability in the anime Soul Eater)
To sign up, comment to this post with the following information:
Preferred posting date:
Topic of meta:
Meta topics are not binding - you can change later, but it would be helpful (for us and you!) if you let us know what topic you're thinking about writing. (It doesn't matter if someone has already signed up for a similar topic; what you have to say about it will probably be different!)
This signup sheet is
also posted on Dreamwidth and the list will be updated to reflect signups from both places.
Please ask if you have any questions, either in a comment or via PM to one of the mods:
trobadora and
sholio. Comments are NOT screened.