candlejack wrote in
Feb 05, 2010 11:42
gggrrrrrrrrrr: old lace,
problematical: seifer almasy,
athirdplace: minette dandby,
unwrittenfate: tokidoki rikugou,
oohfreakin: dexter douglas,
smokingrockstar: maude dante,
wiresandvirus: anders oaks | killock,
monstrouslies: romazvhir,
directiva: ❙❘❚❙❘❚❘❙❘❚❙❙❚❙❚ ( six ),
onlytheskin: sasha vlaschenko,
abattyowl: nector,
thedeviltattoo: malak shammas,
tyrannise: adrian winchester,
@game: spliss,
markedbullets: cat,
protectmecone: dexter grif,
genderfused: yoshiro takatsuki,
ofabeast: the beast,
hatesspicyfood: naota nandaba,
twowithin: andy | boysaurus,
madesohuman: brynja,
vyingly: bonus,
theswordguards: amanda van houten,
gambletheskill: benny | slapdash,
fixtherobots: camille kirouac,
foundyourbox: hayley stark,
pureshit: cook,
whereaboutses: odyssey,
fuckyoudolphins: wharu,
matriotism: raicho,
supahfly: superboy,
@game: splendorocity,
utilizable: rufus frenzl,
ghostlits: rooney riley,
forthismonster: nicola avery,
sharperthan: emily kingston,
razzledazzlee: jubilee,
abitofaputz: alice maxwell,
notthatdog: pongo,
badassinred: dante,
theeyesees: iza van houten,
fourthchild: toji suzuhara,
choklitmilk: cheese,
staunchest: emily kingston,
brujadesangre: la bruja de sangre,
eumeristic: twenty five,
beverybad: the devil,
@game: homo gardens,
oohfreakout: freakazoid,
inktheflesh: lou archie,
somewhatinhuman: kaworu nagisa,
slapdasher: benny | slapdash (older),
pausethetime: kiden nixon,
abandonhumanity: mary-elena doughan,
killcountiwin: flamer,
willbereborn: the phoenix,
howaverage: emilia gorski,
whyareyousogay: landon,
uncommits: shane mccutcheon,
onewhitehorn: chappu,
lmaoherlife: sasha,
derodidymus: syne callum | hellion,
immortalizes: sven the immortal,
mmmchildren: pikachu,
allywithred: trish