character informationCharacter Name: Malak Shammas | The Devil's Tattoo
Age: 24.
Appearance/PB: ( PB: Ugne Andrikonyte ).
Setting: The world itself is Earth, although clearly not as we know it. It was on 2012 that devils and gods came to Earth and since then, things have changed, especially in the field of religion. There isn't the one god theory anymore and most churches have been demolished to give place to grand temples and places of worships for the many gods that rule the Earth. If anything, you should think of it as a slightly futuristic Earth, though thoroughly modified when it comes to geography. Some countries remained untouched, others have been claimed and modified and you can't rule yourself by a world map anymore - because each god thinks this or that country is theirs but so do their god-siblings.
The truth is, however, that humans carry on with their normal lives, jobs and families and all the likes, it's clear that most of them have been forced to chose a god to follow - whoever doesn't is treated as an outsider, a non-believer, and usually those that do not bend and break over the word of their preaching Priests, are shoved like cattle to be killed. To fool humans, non-believers are said to be the next devils and they should be exterminated before they can organize themselves and form an army.
Although devils and gods exist, you shouldn't really call it a magical world, since that word is thrown around far too much. It's not magic, it's nature - power, soul, inner strength, call it what you will. Just don't say "hocus pocus" or you'll have to find some very angry gods. As for gods themselves, they are forgotten gods accidentally devils when they began to populate Earth. You have Ares and you have Odin, you have Ran and you have Apollo. Most minor gods have given up in trying to stand out, instead allying themselves with other more powerful gods, disguising themselves as Priests of Saints.
Of course, we can't forget the devil. The gods thought all devils had been extinguished, but they forgot about the one devil that had been asleep until her last child crawled back to hell to wake her up. Once she learnt of the killing spree of her kind, she quickly started to plan her revenge...
History: Nulla vel augue nec dui condimentum malesuada. Nulla id turpis adipiscing dolor pharetra mollis eget in tellus. Morbi elementum gravida aliquet. Morbi malesuada dolor ac ante euismod bibendum. Nunc metus elit, congue ac dapibus a, venenatis in urna. Donec feugiat eros id dolor sollicitudin et rhoncus quam egestas. Curabitur pretium cursus nunc quis pretium. Maecenas non purus a diam fringilla ullamcorper. Aliquam quis risus lectus, et lobortis diam. Sed non odio quis dolor luctus egestas eget id diam. Donec a cursus massa. Sed at ligula in nisl molestie euismod nec eu nunc. Sed mattis.
Personality: Fusce pulvinar quam ac eros interdum at pretium lacus fringilla. Nulla facilisi. Mauris pharetra augue nec tortor laoreet egestas. Morbi scelerisque pretium neque id aliquet. Pellentesque id consequat lorem. Mauris dapibus adipiscing metus vitae convallis. Curabitur vitae risus ligula. Morbi mollis velit eu nisl posuere et elementum neque luctus. Cras gravida pharetra bibendum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer laoreet gravida velit, vel feugiat erat iaculis at. Integer ut nisl sed ipsum interdum varius.
Abilities: Sed non tellus dui, quis placerat libero. In eleifend tempor libero, sit amet elementum sem convallis et. Integer massa justo, accumsan eget congue ut, sodales ac purus.
Samples: Sed non tellus dui, quis placerat libero. In eleifend tempor libero, sit amet elementum sem convallis et. Integer massa justo, accumsan eget congue ut, sodales ac purus.