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Comments 19

anarkistsdream May 17 2006, 16:16:43 UTC
Well, the thing about that is that Skylar and I were planning an early Saturday BBQ at his house the very next day, starting around noon or so. We wanted to keep it small, around 10 people or so, but you and Kate were two of the people that we were going to invite. I'll send out an email with more info.

However, if that wouldn't stop you guys from making it on Saturday, I say go for it! However, with the puppy and the cats and everything, it would not really be feasible for Meagan and I.


monsterofmud May 17 2006, 16:26:25 UTC
Hmmm...BBQ and Nashville. Sounds like they go hand-in-hand, eh? Maybe we should merge parties for that Saturday?


monsterofmud May 17 2006, 17:50:31 UTC
Check out my suggestion at the bottom of this thread and let me know what you think.


_the_antihero May 17 2006, 16:21:19 UTC
I miss Robert Altman. I have not been able to watch much of his work since I moved.


monsterofmud May 17 2006, 16:22:19 UTC
You need to see The Player (1993), especially now that you're out there! It takes place on all those studio lots.


anarkistsdream May 17 2006, 16:33:27 UTC
And shows Tim Robbins awesome acting abilities!


lbangs May 17 2006, 16:34:56 UTC

I love Nashville (it on my top fifty list), but alas, the news of America's cinema's death has yet to reach my ears.

I'm always the last to know these things...

Shalom, y'all!

L. Bangs


monsterofmud May 17 2006, 16:36:26 UTC
Nashville's in my top 10 for sure. I'll forward you the article that retroactively places the film in that cultural context.


lbangs May 17 2006, 16:39:36 UTC
Oh, I'm just a mischievous ass. I know the theory of how our country's films have sucked since the seventies. I just don't buy it.

Nostalgia blurs the vision.

You'll learn to ignore me. :)

Shalom, y'all!

L. Bangs


monsterofmud May 17 2006, 17:44:21 UTC
The theory doesn't actually state that there have been no good films since then, but that Jaws in the same year gave rise to the modern blockbuster, which for better or worse, turned American films into 90% spectacle, bringing on the Michael Bays and Roland & Emmerichs of our society. So while good movies are still coming into being, they are always overshadowed by the Independence Days and Bad Boy II. So I agree with all that, but don't necessarily lament it. Otherwise there would be no Jaws, Star Wars series, Indiana Jones series, or Lord of the Rings.

But Nashville is interesting (among many other reasons) in that it really is the last film of its kind to exist just before the American cinematic map changed forever!


techix May 17 2006, 16:40:38 UTC
I'm down for it either way.


techix May 17 2006, 16:46:34 UTC
Except that May 26th is the date of the Kunek show @ Cain's Ballroom in Tulsa, which I was planning on going to. (Anybody who wants a chance to see Kunek in a good venue that isn't jam-packed to the wall like Mike's should check out this show too)



monsterofmud May 17 2006, 17:49:25 UTC
Aha! Which makes Saturday the 27th all the better. If Danny and Skylar don't mind allowing a screening of Nashville in a backroom somewhere, I'd forego plans for having it on the ranch this year, but bring the requisite moon pies, RC Cola, watermelon, and Pabst.


anarkistsdream May 17 2006, 18:39:38 UTC
Makes no difference to me, ole chum, but it's not my house. haha.

You should have Skylars email addy now in the flurry of emails between us. His is Skylarra@wherever the hell his email is from.


jimberly May 17 2006, 19:04:02 UTC
Am I invited to the skylar thing?


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