BBC Sherlock--The Violin Session

Jan 05, 2011 04:28

 Hello again, all. Well, I'm back. I actually didn't think I'd write another one, especially another one featuring music as a backdrop. But what can I say? I love music, and fanfiction allows for personal expression, does it not? Anyways, I hope you guys like this one as much as the last one (thanks to everyone who posted). 
In any case, I just like ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

solara_karrde January 5 2011, 16:53:29 UTC
WOW! I really enjoyed this! And thank you for posting the lists/songs as well! I'd forgotten how enjoyable Montagues and Capulets was!
Can I put any more !'s in this post?! Heee, thanks again!


bulleteyes January 5 2011, 17:14:13 UTC
Excellent! You write so evocatively about the music that this was a joy to read. I could hear all of the pieces in my head as I was reading your words.

Then you included the pieces. How delightful.

Truly, from the "Mambo" to Morricone (one of my favorite film composers) this was a marvelous post.

I used a fair amount of superlatives here very deliberately ;) Consider it encouragement from a fellow film score devotee.


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