Ficlet: "The Ceremony of Innocence," PLL, Spencer/Toby, R.

Aug 04, 2011 08:34

Title: "The Ceremony of Innocence"
Author: monimala
Fandom: PLL
Rating/Classification: R, Spencer/Toby, sexual situations, ficlet
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters and am making no profit from their use.
Summary: 375 words. Written for Porn Battle XII, for the prompt "trust."

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porn battle, random fic, pll

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Comments 4

snoozin81 August 4 2011, 18:15:02 UTC
So eloquently written. I absolutely love this pair and it saddens me that there's not a lot of fic being written for this fandom. Such a shame.


monimala August 4 2011, 19:03:07 UTC
Thank you! Yeah, I don't understand why PLL isn't popular with fandom. The cynic in me says it's because the show is too female-centric and there's not enough main male character interaction to warrant an obsessive m/m slash pairing.


leobrat August 5 2011, 23:15:33 UTC
So very lovely and tender...answering all of my prompts, aren't you!

Soft and malleable... until he hardens into an immovable force.

I do love Toby's quiet intensity, and the way he and Spencer are so fiercely protective of each other. She hasn't really even noticed the way she screwed herself by selling Melissa's engagement ring so he would have a getaway car from Jason DeLaurentis's house of horrors.


monimala August 6 2011, 13:09:54 UTC
Thank you! It was either answering your prompts or answering mine, because, apparently, very few people like Spencer and Toby! I enjoy that Toby is a calming influence on Spencer, but that he's just as troubled as she is. I hope they don't take away his edge.


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