Fic: "In the Span of a Summer," TVD, Bonnie/Jeremy, PG-13

Jan 16, 2011 15:47

Just a little Bonnie and Jeremy thing that was knocking around in my head...

Title: "In the Span of a Summer" 1/1
Author: monimala
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Rating/Classification: PG-13, Bonnie/Jeremy, ep filler, mild sexual implications.
Disclaimer: Not my characters, not making a profit from their use.
Summary: 500 words. Not particularly spoiler-y, but takes place at the midpoint of season two. Bonnie had nearly forgotten her best friend had a little brother at all…

She's known him her whole life. The little boy who used to follow her and Elena around the playground, begging to "play pretend" with them. The bratty 9-year-old who stole their Barbies. The moody 13-year-old who buried those same dolls in the back yard, complete with elaborate, morbid funeral rites. "It's not like you guys need them anymore," he'd defended, when they totally freaked out.

After his and Elena's parents died, he lost all interest in fake funerals but started hanging out with Vicki Donovan and all the stoners in the cemetery. Digging his own early grave. He and Elena lived in the same house, but they existed in different universes. Bonnie had nearly forgotten her best friend had a little brother at all.

Now… now it's all she can remember. Because Jeremy Gilbert isn't a little boy anymore. He's almost a man. When did he get so tall? When did his shoulders get so broad? And when did his hands get so big that they swallow up hers and make her feel safe? In the span of a summer? A month? A day? Bonnie can't pinpoint any of it. And she can't deny it, no matter how hard she tries.

Jeremy's smile makes her pulse skip. The way he looks at her causes her skin to heat. His low voice is like this amazing counterpoint to the overwhelming pull of her powers… always calming her down, keeping her grounded. And the way he wants her… it is so totally forbidden.

She turns her head when he tries to kiss her, bolts like she's more afraid of him than vampires, werewolves, or things that go bump in the night. She runs from him like she never runs from anything anymore. Bonnie Bennett, witch… beaten by a boy's eager mouth.

In some ways, Jeremy's the most powerful being she's ever known, because he rules her dreams. Laughing and loving and surprising her with just how well he knows his way around a girl's body. Was it Vicki? That vampire girl Anna? She asks the questions she won't ask while awake. His only answer is his sensitive artist's fingers drawing runes on her thighs, and his body invoking the most basic of magic as it joins with hers. She wakes up alone, still feeling the imprint of him in the sheets, in her.

She can't meet his gaze when she sees him at school or the Grill or at Stefan and Damon's, keeps any conversation light and meaningless or purely business. He doesn't know why. She can see the hurt flicker in his eyes before he blinks it away, masking it with a surly curl of his lip. He thinks it's because she's denying him. He doesn't know it's because she's already let him in.

Just a whisper of his name hangs in the air like her breath in winter. And the way she wants him… it is so totally fated.

Jeremy Gilbert is almost a man.

Almost *her* man.


January 16, 2011

vampire diaries, random fic

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