Title: "Brotherhood" Author: monimala Fandom: Robin Hood BBC Disclaimer: Auntie Beeb owns all. Summary; 325 words. For sandrine, who answered my call for first kiss prompts with Robin/Guy.
Thanks! I haven't seen season three yet, but totally believe they could one day end up on the same side. Not sure about the kissing part, but that's what fic is for! LOL.
I'm so glad I asked for Robin/Guy, because this? So awesome! ♥
I just read your comment above about not having seen S3 yet and, I think I can say this much without spoiling anything, the interaction between Guy and Robin here feels so much more right and realistic than what we've seen on the show lately (even with the kiss!!!).
Thank you! :) I'm so delighted that this worked for you. I was worried that it might not be up to snuff. All I know about this season is gleaned from sometimes skimming your posts, and I still want Guy to become Robin Hood so badly that I can taste it. Barring that, he and Robin should make out. *g*
Heh. What I actually wanted to say but thought better of was, "I still want Guy to become Robin Hood so badly that I can taste it. Barring that, I want him to be coming on Robin Hood."
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I just read your comment above about not having seen S3 yet and, I think I can say this much without spoiling anything, the interaction between Guy and Robin here feels so much more right and realistic than what we've seen on the show lately (even with the kiss!!!).
Love it! Thank you! :)
You say that like it's an either/or thing. There's no reason he can't do both! :p
(Unfortunately, that's not what I've been hearing, though. :/)
Season 3 is very bumpy, but it does have some lovely Robin/Guy scenes.
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