2083, [6/7]; Sam, Lucifer, Ruby, Meg; AU, Gen, R

Apr 21, 2012 23:11

title: 2083
author: monicawoe
wordcount: ~12,700 total (2100 this chapter)
characters: Sam, Dean, Lucifer, Ruby, Brady, Meg, Nick, Castiel, Zachariah
warnings: some violence, gore and technobabble
story summary: written for scifi_spn for this prompt:Sam Winchester, the boy with the demon bio-tech. He knows it's wrong, that it's sick, but he just can't stop. He adds little enhancements bit by bit, stuff nobody will notice. But it gets out of hand, and there's no turning back.
chapter summary: Sam and Lucifer go to Michael's sanctum.

part 5

How do you feel?

Sam considered the question a moment, and raised his bloody hands towards his face. He could see so much information at once it was overwhelming. Within the red stains on his fingers, he saw the altered plasma from Zachariah’s avatar. Deeper inside his own body, he saw the stream of nano-bots running through his veins, millions and millions more than before. He saw the changes Lucifer had made to his body. His skeleton had been reinforced, his muscle tissue was thicker and four times denser than it had been before, and his skin…wasn’t skin. He looked human enough, but he wasn’t. Not anymore. Lucifer was inside of him, not just in his mind, but in every cell.

How do you feel, Sam? Lucifer repeated.

“Heavy,” Sam said, stepping over Zachariah's corpse. “Where’s Ruby?”

Third floor. She's hurt. Meg pulled her into a utility room. We need to get to them. Now.

Thanks to Lucifer, Sam could see the blueprints for all of Machen. He was on the second floor, right near a stairwell that could take them to Ruby and the others. Sam could sense Ruby, Meg and Brady above them. Lucifer was connected to all Demons - not as deeply as to Sam, but he could see the patterns their nano-bots gave off, and recognized each one as his own - his to protect. Michael’s sanctum was on the sixth floor. That had to be where they’d find Dean.

Sam turned towards a hexagonal door in the back of the room and walked towards it. It stayed shut.

Machen is on lockdown.

“Well then we’ll have to use a manual override, won’t we?” Sam said, and pulled his right arm back. He slammed his fist into the door, leaving a dent. Then he punched the center of the door again and again until the seal at the bottom slid open, by just an inch. That was all he needed. He crouched down, grabbed hold of the door panel and forced it up, one foot at a time. It crumpled under the pressure, like it was made out of aluminum, not two-inch-thick titanium. When there was enough room for him to fit, he walked through, and headed for the stairs.


There were two avatars, empty of Angelic presence, guarding the entrance to the second floor. They both ran towards Sam when they saw him coming up the wide white stairs. The taller one on the right stopped about twenty feet away and tried to shoot Sam with his laser rifle. Nothing happened.

We’ve disabled their weapons

“Handy trick.” Sam smirked, as he walked towards the guards who were still struggling to get their weapons to work. The one on the right tried to be innovative, attempting to strike Sam with the butt of his rifle, but he missed. Sam had moved behind the guard on the left faster than either of the avatars could see and had his arm around the shorter man’s throat. Sam squeezed just long enough for the man to lose consciousness, but when the guard fell to the floor, his neck was broken.

They’re so fragile when they’re unoccupied.

“I didn’t want to kill him,” said Sam, shocked by how drastically he’d underestimated the pressure he’d put on the man’s throat.

The taller guard looked from his fallen companion back up to Sam, turned around and fled up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

If he reaches the hall, he’ll sync with his Angel and call for more backup. Our Demons are too close to risk that.

Sam felt his right arm moving and realized Lucifer had taken control. Something in the back of his head clicked, and then a flood of nano-bots rushed through his veins, collecting in his fingertips. There were so many, Sam swore he could see his hand glowing with their light. The air in front of him crackled and the guard trying to escape fell to his knees, seizing violently. Sam looked down at him curiously and asked, “What did you do to him?”

Lucifer shrugged Sam’s shoulders. Humans are mostly water. Send electricity into a few key spots that aren’t equipped to handle it, and they don’t react too well.

As the nano-bots flowed back down his arm, Sam wondered how often Lucifer would take over without warning. He didn't want to be just an observer, trapped in his own body. He knew the A.I. was a part of him now, but he thought that meant they'd become one mind. Maybe they still would.

Only when it’s necessary. Only to ensure our survival, and the safety of our children.

Sam continued up the stairs. He saw the energy signatures of Demonic nano-bots a few dozen feet away, and was by the door of the utility room seconds later.

The door slid open. “Father,” Meg said, and took a step back so Sam could enter. She bowed her head respectfully and Sam tried to smile at her, wondering if all Demons would only acknowledge him as Lucifer from now on.

“Sam,” said Ruby. She was lying on the floor, her lips looked nearly grey, and her skin was far too pale - a stark contrast to the bright red blood covering her side and the entirety of her right leg. She reached out to Sam, who wrapped his fingers around her hand as gently as he could.

“What happened to her?” Sam asked Meg.

“An Angel sliced her with his sword.”

Their swords disable nano-bots, just like the Seraphim, but with a well-placed strike, some of them can get shut down for good. She hasn’t been able to heal herself. We need to help her.

“It’ll be okay, Ruby,” Sam said. Save her, he thought to Lucifer. He closed his eyes and felt Lucifer moving inside of him. His hand let go of Ruby’s, and touched the bleeding wound on the side of her torso. He felt an odd jolt running through his fingers and then suddenly…his consciousness was split between two bodies.

He looked down at Ruby as her eyes grew darker and darker until they were solid black - the nano-bots rushing forward as Lucifer aligned them. Her face went slack and then she smiled suddenly, but it wasn’t her smile.

Sam saw himself, as Lucifer looked out through Ruby's eyes. He looked different. His shoulders were broader, his hair was slicked back, and his face was streaked with dried blood. His eyes were a bright, shining silver with little flecks of sulfuric yellow.

"Be healed, my child,” Lucifer said, speaking with Sam and Ruby’s voice in unison. Sam saw Ruby’s eyes widen as her nano-bots came back online. Her black eyes lit up a brilliant white and then faded back to dark brown as the nano-bots flowed back into her veins. Sam felt Lucifer pull his awareness back out of Ruby from one moment to the next.

Ruby smiled up at Sam gratefully and closed her eyes as the nano-bots healed her wounds.

“Where’s Brady?” Sam asked, suddenly realizing he hadn’t seen the Demon yet.

Meg shook her head and pointed at the back of the room.

Sam stood up, turned in the direction Meg had gestured and saw Brady just a few steps later. His black eyes were wide open in terror, and his body was rigid. Dead. There was a lethal gash in his throat and in his midsection. The Angel’s sword had cut him far deeper than Ruby.

Brady, Lucifer's voice sounded full of regret, and Sam found himself kneeling next to Brady’s corpse. He placed his hand over Brady’s eyes and let Lucifer speak.

"Come home.”

Brady’s vacant eyes flickered as the nano-bots dug their way out through his eyes and flowed into Sam. Lucifer brought them all online as they entered, and with their presence, Sam saw the echo of Brady’s memories - flashes from one decade to the next.

“We have to keep moving,” Meg said quietly. “As soon as we can. We’re halfway there. Michael’s sanctum is just three floors away.” She turned to Sam with a desperate look on her face. “Please, help us stop them.”

“We will,” Sam said, Lucifer’s voice echoing his own.


By the time they reached the sixth floor, Sam was soaked in blood. The fourth floor hadn’t been difficult; they’d only come across six guards before reaching the next stairwell, but the fifth floor had dozens. Sam had held his own fairly well until seven angels surrounded him and drew their swords. One got in a hit, but the sword couldn’t cut through Sam’s skin. It left a shower of sparks in its wake. Sam grabbed the sword from the Angel and took him down along with two of the others. Lucifer didn’t have to take over until the gates at the end of the hall opened and two dozen more Angels ran towards them.

The sixth floor was Michael’s alone. The only ones allowed to set foot on the highest floor in Machen were Michael’s avatars. Dean had to be here. So where was he?

Ruby and Meg walked through the control room, looking from one console to the next.

“He’s not here,” Ruby said.

“I noticed that.” Sam frowned. “Where's Michael? Where's Dean?”

Meg stopped in front of one of the many displays in the room, but didn’t say a word.

“What’s wrong?” Ruby asked her.

“Michael’s Seraph left an hour ago.” Meg turned to Sam with furious eyes. “One guess. Who’s the pilot?”

“Dean,” Sam said. “We have to find him.”

We have to stop him. Before he harms anyone else.

Sam turned to Ruby. “How do we stop him? We have to shut down the Seraph without hurting him.”

She shook her head. “That’s not possible. There’s a reason most of the Seraphim are un-piloted. If the Seraph goes down, so does the pilot.”

Sam clenched his fingers in frustration. “There has to be something we can do.” He walked around the room, and stopped in front of the main console

Some of Michael is still here.

Sam took a step back from the console in alarm, and heard Lucifer laugh.

Not enough to do any harm to us…but enough to be of use. Let’s take a closer look.

The further Sam leaned over the console, the more eager Lucifer became. He reached out his hand to touch the command panel and felt a current flowing through him as soon as he made contact.

That’s it. The answer is here.

Sam tried to understand what Lucifer was seeing, but it was far too much for him to grasp. Billions of files, data about everything, everyone and every time flitted past him. He felt dizzy with it. He leaned forward, bracing himself on the console and thought he heard Lucifer laughing again, distantly. His vision started to fade.

“Father?” Meg asked, walking to Sam’s side.

"Michael is going to destroy our home. He is determined to cleanse the Earth of us. We will not allow this.” Lucifer walked towards the large windowed wall of the control room. Outside the sky was hazy, the sun tinting the heavy clouds a deep shade of yellow. In the distance, the City was burning. "We’re going to stop him. We’re going to stop all of them.” He raised his hands up to the glass, and the room filled with a loud, piercing sound.

Ruby and Meg fell to their knees, covering their ears, as the sound grew louder and louder.

Just before the world went dark, Sam saw the whole glass wall shatter into dust.

Lucifer walked through it and out into the sky.

part 7

sam, fic, ruby, 2083, lucifer

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