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Comments 10

de_nugis April 25 2011, 02:38:38 UTC
Death is the thing I'm finding hardest to factor into the plot as it thickens. Even though he didn't specify the cage, his account of what was up with Sam's soul did line up with Cas's -- I can't see huge significance if we found out that Sam's soul was in a part of hell other than the cage, as opposed to finding out, say, that it was in Cas's trench coat pocket, serving as his personal fix and/or Energizer battery. But for Cas to have had it, Death would need to be lying to Dean, and I can't see him working voluntarily with Cas and Balthazar, especially if they were pulling stunts like the Titanic, and I also can't believe that after breaking away from Lucifer he'd let himself get coerced right away by another angel ( ... )


monicawoe April 25 2011, 02:51:23 UTC
You're exactly right. There's no way Death would lie to Dean to protect Castiel. What I'm starting to ponder is - Lucifer and Michael are both angels. In theory they could have taken energy from Sam and Adam while in the Cage too : /
Maybe that is why Death agreed to retrieve Sam's soul? But then why wait so long?

The only significance I see to Sam being in Hell instead of the Cage is this: angels can take power from humans. Sam can take power from demons. If Sam ended up in Hell, would he have had his powers? His soulless-self didn't appear to have them (or he did and chose not to use them.)

I have a feeling 6x20 will answer a lot of our questions, but likely the biggest plot twist will be the last 5 minutes of the season finale (since show does love to torture us). Eeek!


de_nugis April 25 2011, 03:01:30 UTC
It kind of depends on the relationship between the powers and the demon blood, which is one of those vexed textual questions in canon. I doubt that robo!Sam would drink demonblood, at least in any great quantity, since he doesn't have the helplessness and anger and temptation to power that are part of Sam's human psyche, and he would be too logical to make himself dependent on enemies or subject to the physical dangers of addiction. If he just had power, if the powers were attached to Sam's body and it was only a psychological block that kept him from accessing them before, then I would think robo!Sam would have had them. There's still that blowing the streetlamp in 5.22 to explain; people have suggested that it was whatever angel or demon pulled Sam out of hell, but why would it still be hanging around, unless robo!Sam was lying about waking up in a field in the rain, which seems like a pointless thing to lie about ( ... )


monicawoe April 25 2011, 03:10:17 UTC
I don't want him to spend s7 in the desert hitting himself with a rock and wearing a hair shirt or something.
That made me laugh way more than it should have.
I'd still watch ; )

Well the other thing I don't get is this - human souls are supposed to turn demonic in Hell. That's why at the end of 5x22 I was so sure Sam had come back as a demon. (Especially because of the streetlight) Now he's spent 180 years there, or in the Cage. If his memories come back - how will that not result in him being a demon? Dean was saved by Castiel, and I guess didn't spend enough time there to turn...but Sam?


quickreaver April 25 2011, 03:39:25 UTC
Just wanted to tell you your avatar ROCKS. Most gorgeous lighting. Ever. And boys in cowboy hats. Swoon.


monicawoe April 25 2011, 10:43:53 UTC
Thanks : D
I used my iPad to take a few screencaps of that scene because it was so very, very pretty and then made icons.

Glad you like it!


etoile444 April 25 2011, 21:10:01 UTC
Too many things to ponder!

I don't think Death would work with Castiel or any angel. I am starting to wonder if he decided to release Sam's soul because he was worried that Michael and Lucifer would draw too much power off it and be able to break out. Of course that begs two questions: 1. Why not do this sooner. and 2. Why would Cas want Sam to stay in the Cage if it might mean a potential breakout?

So I am back to square one with why Death would free Sam's soul, but wait over a year to do so????? What's in it for him?

In terms of the pictures I think you are right that Cas was using his Grace to probe for the human souls. He was fully sucking on Bobby's and giving nothing in return.

I simply can't take anything that Cas has said at face value. How could he not recognize the demon in Christian? How could he not know about Sam's soul missing, how could he not feel the "coldness" as the vampire put it?

Well, I think we will have our answers in a few weeks! :)


monicawoe April 26 2011, 00:27:28 UTC
I simply can't take anything that Cas has said at face value. How could he not recognize the demon in Christian? How could he not know about Sam's soul missing, how could he not feel the "coldness" as the vampire put it?


As for this: So I am back to square one with why Death would free Sam's soul, but wait over a year to do so????? What's in it for him?

That is the riddle. Obviously he wants Dean to find out for himself, but what is it Dean's going to find out?


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