Lawrence (Gen, R)

Mar 27, 2011 22:56

Word count: 918

Characters: Sam, Dean, Bobby, Missouri


Follows directly after Go


"Well? Aren't you gonna say anything?" Dean asks.

Bobby wearily lifts his head up from where it was resting on his folded arms and leans back into his chair. "What do you want me to say?"

"I don't know!" Dean starts pacing the floor of Bobby's small kitchen. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do! I have no idea what's going on. Sam tried to explain it, and if he's right, then Cas needs me to win his war."

"Well ain't that something." Bobby mumbles.

"Yeah, it sure is something!" Dean yells and the kitchen window explodes. Dean flinches and stares at the glass shards now littering Bobby's sink.

"Don't yell at me, boy!" Bobby gets up and inspects the damage. "You owe me for this window, too."

Dean moves to the side as Bobby starts fishing the shards out of the sink. "Sorry Bobby, I - I should go."

"Son of a bitch." Bobby snaps, as he nicks himself on one of the shards, "It's ok Dean, it ain't your fault. Well, it is, but - you know what I mean." Bobby turns around, but Dean is gone.


Dean sits behind the wheel of the Impala and for the first time in a long time doesn't feel like driving. He doesn't know where to go, for starters. He doesn't know what to do. He heads out of Bobby's salvage yard, towards the highway and drives south.

An hour later, after having gone through three different tapes hoping that it was just a fluke, Dean hangs his head and accepts that he somehow shorted out the tape deck. In the past, he would've just started singing to himself until he got a chance to fix the deck. This time though, he just can't bring himself to sing.

Six hours later, in Lawrence, Kansas, Dean sits on Missouri Mosely's doorstep and waits.


In his shed, Bobby finishes the Enochian summoning ritual,"Ba ba loh en, toh an tah ar bi en." He drops the last of the herbs into the bowl. A small fire consumes the herbs and burns steadily. Bobby clears his throat, "Sam? Uh...I'm not sure if this is gonna work or not, but I really hope you can hear me." Bobby inhales and then exhales slowly, "It's Dean. I haven't heard from him in almost a week. He isn't answering his cell - or any of his phones. I tried reaching Castiel, but he isn't answering either. I just wanna know he's ok, so, if you've seen him-" Bobby leans back from the flame just in time, as it flares upwards, nearly reaching the ceiling.

Bobby takes a few steps back, stares at the column of flame coming out of the bowl, and hears the fire speak, "Who took him?"

"I don't know. That's why I'm calling you. He left here in a hurry. It was the damnedest thing...I'm just worried 'cause I got a call from this psychic - Missouri Mosely. She said he'd been with her since Tuesday, but that he left a few hours ago and now - she says she can't feel him anymore."

The fire lashes outwards and Bobby takes another step back, "What else do you know?"

Three hundred eighty-six miles south of Singer Salvage Yard, in Lawrence - Missouri falls to her knees in the middle of her living room, and screams. She can't see him, but she feels him everywhere. He's speaking right into her mind and it feels like lightning tearing through her head.

Who took him?

"Sam-" she gasps, "Sam, I'm so sorry."

Don't be sorry. Tell me what happened.

"I don't - I don't know! He-"

Tell me - everything.

Missouri does. She offers up her memories to Sam - every detail of the last five days.

Sam sees Missouri embracing Dean, offering him a sad smile, and inviting him in. Dean tells her everything that's happened, and she nods but has no advice to offer. He asks her to help him. He doesn't want to hurt anyone. "You do feel like one of them, but you're still you in there, you know that, right?" she says, and Dean smiles weakly. She helps him feel like a human again - makes him mow the lawn, and take out the garbage. Dean's heart gets a tiny bit lighter every day he's there. At breakfast, earlier this morning - Dean offers to cook and Missouri lets him help with the bacon, but nothing else. Dean opens the door to pick up the newspaper. Through the open door, Missouri catches a glimpse of a man in a trench-coat. She feels Dean's anger rise sharply. Then they both disappear and just like that she's alone again.

It takes more than five minutes for Missouri's heart to slow down after Sam leaves. She gets up slowly, and walks to her front door. She knows Sam is gone, but she feels an inexplicable need to look at where he was. She opens the door and sees a small smoldering circle of ash in the middle of her front lawn - what used to be her front lawn. All the grass has died. Her azaleas are husks, a few charred petals cling pathetically to what's left of the shrubs. She sees something on the lowest doorstep, and crouches down to take a closer look. She picks up the dead chickadee and carries it, with trembling hands, back inside her house.

Bobby's ritual translates to : "Evil one, listen to my words"     
Thank you Enochian Language Database!

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more, sam, fic, theosis, supernatural

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