Seven Days of Self-Promotion - Day 2

Jun 02, 2014 08:00

The Days:
1. Something old
2. Something new - talk about a new fanwork of yours!
3. Something you made for someone else
4. Something you made just for yourself
5. Something for a large fandom/pairing/character
6. Something for a small fandom/pairing/character
7. Something you're just really proud of


2. Something new - talk about a new fanwork of yours!

A new fanwork- for a new fandom! I was not prepared for how thoroughly Captain America: The Winter Soldier would sweep me off my feet, but here we are.
Not only is it my first (non-crossover) Marvel Cinematic Universe fic, but it's also the first fic I've ever written in second person. Oddly enough for this particular story, there was really no other choice. It just felt natural.

How They Make You a Weapon
written for this prompt :
[spoilers for Captain America: The Winter Soldier]Lovingly detailed dark!fic about the process by which Hydra turned Bucky into the Winter Soldier.

on LJ | on AO3


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