A Brother Injured in the Fall (Gen, PG-13)

Nov 15, 2013 19:16

Written for the ohsam H/C fic challenge for the prompt: Sooo...what do you think would happen if a certain unknowingly possessed-by-an-angel hunter found himself force-fed demon blood?

word-count: ~3,000
characters: Sam, Dean, Ezekiel, Kevin, Crowley, Abaddon
summary: There's a reason Ezekiel couldn't heal Sam.
many thanks to my betas quickreaver and manzanita_crow !

It had been a bad day... )

season 9, ohsam, kevin tran, sam winchester, dean winchester

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Comments 43

ash48 November 16 2013, 00:58:42 UTC
Oh god oh god. I have tears dammit. That was powerful.

I love this idea - Zeke needing demon blood to be fully healed. And Sam reacting like that is perfect - so very painful but perfect. I love that Dean expected nothing less from Sam. He's pissed but alive. (Curious that "alive" means so much to Dean - no matter the level of Sam's suffering).

Having to go through withdrawal again…:(((((((

Whaaaa, so sad, but that's what happens with this level of betrayal.


monicawoe November 16 2013, 15:58:30 UTC
::hands you a tissue::

I think Dean is expecting the fallout from this to be massive, and yeah to him Sam being alive is the most important thing.

The idea of the demon blood being an integral part of Sam is very dear to me, so I like the idea of him requiring some to heal fully -especially if the trials really did start to cleanse it from his system.

(your icon made me giggle!)


kazluvsbooks November 16 2013, 01:00:21 UTC

*peeks out from behind her hankie*

well done sweetheart..love the way you wrote power of Ezekiel and the devastation he brought to Sam and Dean.


monicawoe November 16 2013, 16:00:15 UTC
thank you!
I imagine Ezekiel in Sam's body with the added fuel of demon blood would be quite a powerful force!

And yeah- the fallout from the discovery of what Dean did to keep Sam alive is going to be painful. ::bites knuckles::


kinkthatwinked November 16 2013, 01:27:50 UTC
Doesn't seem like it can go any other way, does it? And I don't know how the hell the show would get them back together.

This was good. I loved the part where Sam had to fight for control of his own body. I had the idea that after the struggle with Lucifer, Sam should be more capable of winning such a battle - and most importantly, not the least bit scared or intimidated by the task. I got the feeling that's what you were going for when you had Sam respond to Ezekiel.

This story was also a great way to bring the demon blood addiction back and tie it in with current events. Nice job.


monicawoe November 16 2013, 16:06:14 UTC
Yeah, I think after Lucifer, getting Ezekiel out will be fairly easy for Sam. It's just a matter of him finding out. And it will most definitely hurt when he does find out!

Sam/demon-blood is my OTP when it comes right down to it, so any prompt that brings them together I have to take ; )


counteragent November 16 2013, 02:04:08 UTC

Seriously, tears actually welled up in my eyes. This is more beautiful than anything the show could possibly give me. The snapping wings was such an amazing visual, and Zeke breaking the motherf'ing FLOOR and then Sam blinking and I'm simply incoherent.

Imperfect, unhealed without Lucifer: YES
Demon blood strong again: YES
Kicking Zeke to the curb (handily, because hello, defeated Lucifer here!): YES
Killing useless Crowley: YES
Dean being full of love but it just not being an adequate response to the situation: YES
Sam killing Zeke AND weathering withdrawal on his own liking a freaking BOSS: YES YES YES YES YES
Dean accepting Sam's resignation, even after moments before hoping pitifully that he would be hungry: YES (*sniff!*)



monicawoe November 16 2013, 16:11:37 UTC
Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed the read!

I think Lucifer had to have left marks on Sam, even physically, and since Sam was bred to house Lucifer, the demon-blood would have to be part of what makes him whole (as sucky as that may be for him). If the trials actually did begin purifying him of the demon-blood, then it seems logical to me that he'd continue to be weakened and sick until he replenished what he lost.

Regardless of how Sam does end up finding out about Zeke it is most certainly going to hurt to watch when he confronts Dean about it.


quickreaver November 16 2013, 02:14:03 UTC
*fistbump* YOU POSTED!

Gonna go back and read it again. Because, hello! Awesome!


monicawoe November 16 2013, 16:13:49 UTC

thanks for pointing me towards the prompt, oh temptress ; )


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