Hair of the Dog (Sam/Brady | R)

Sep 07, 2013 18:34

word-count: ~1100
characters: Sam, Brady
summary: Sam & Brady have a little too much to drink and Sam wakes up with a killer headache. Luckily, Brady has a cure.

written for the Triple Play challenge at ohsam

Sam woke up with a headache... )

ohsam, brady, sam winchester, fic

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Comments 13

ash48 September 17 2013, 13:36:41 UTC
Oh wow! You sure know how to deliver a punch. It makes me feel so sad for Sam - being played so early on. What a great idea - it makes so much sense that he could start developing a taste for demon blood long before Ruby. Damn you Brady!



monicawoe October 31 2013, 01:13:25 UTC
Glad you enjoyed the read (and sorry for the late response- LJ ate my notifications much of last month!)
What a great idea - it makes so much sense that he could start developing a taste for demon blood long before Ruby.
I really love this concept too. I think he could've easily developed a taste for it early-he probably had it all along, thanks to Azazel, and if Azazel's loyal demons were a little more hands-on in the early days, I think something like this would have happened.

Poor Sam!


(The comment has been removed)

monicawoe October 31 2013, 01:22:08 UTC
Hee! Glad you enjoyed it.
Yeah - honestly I made myself ship Sam/Brady back when Q& I wrote Burdens, Doublefold, and I haven't stopped since ; )


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