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Comments 17

heartsong December 30 2021, 08:40:25 UTC
god, i might genuinely CRY seeing htgawm icons - great to see you back in the ljsphere, too! (old watcher, new journal.)
i'm gonna have to nab a lot of these, the colors and crops are crazy good. will credit, obviously ♥


winterfel December 30 2021, 11:53:40 UTC
omg thank you so much.. i haven't even posted these anywhere so this means a lot.. You made my day (❁´◡`❁)


heartsong December 31 2021, 01:12:59 UTC
i'm so glad! it was kind of an accident, i saw you comment on another icon post and thought you looked familiar - then ended up on your profile and realized you were moneypenneys, and now i'm here 😌

(i was happy to add you back too btw but i can't promise i'll ever update this thing. i got paid account time to try to guilt myself into it, but...)


winterfel December 31 2021, 01:16:01 UTC
haha no worries.. most of the times I tend to just lurk from the shadows as well 😊


sietepecados December 30 2021, 16:02:38 UTC
Amazing set! I love the clean look on these, the close crops are wonderful :)


winterfel December 30 2021, 16:05:07 UTC
thank you so much. that means a lot coming from you 😍


violateraindrop December 30 2021, 17:21:48 UTC
What a pretty post! Your crops are stunning. And I haven't seen any icons from The Blacklist in ages :D


winterfel December 30 2021, 18:53:11 UTC
omg thank you!! yeah the blacklist ones are quite old, I stopped watching it ages ago :D


alexia_drake December 30 2021, 18:48:45 UTC
Beautiful crops! I've saved: 28, 55, 66, 70 and I will of course credit when I'll use them.


winterfel December 30 2021, 18:54:11 UTC
thank you <3


rosy_nic December 30 2021, 19:28:13 UTC
Great icons, saved a couple :)


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