blackrosebard and
elfcat255 do this so of course I had to also. Pffff.
I think we should all do this about whatever our fannish bliss is at the moment. Lets make it so that today it is impossible to turn around on LJ without running into a list of joy about some show or another. Who's with me? C'mon, I challenge you. A list of ten things that you love about your current fandom(s) posted to LJ and a challenge to all of your f'list to do the same.
I just watched two eps of The Facts of Life again, and since it's 24 days until October (yes, my countdown is keeping me informed) I'm building inspiration for vids and this will work just fine. I'll probably miss some important points here because I've never been good at explaining why I like something.
1. I know stereotypes are bad but Jo is so gay it's insane.
2. All the characters are great.
3. It always makes me laugh.
4. Jo and Blair supposedly hate each other but they're still together all the time.
5. Jo is so whipped she'll do anything for Blair.
6. And you know Blair would do anything for Jo.
7. The show is over 20 years old but apart from the awful hair and clothes it's not really that obvious.
8. Jo and Blair's passionate fights.
9. There's so much subtext it makes my head explode.
10. The handcuffs in the couch will puzzle me forever.