Fic: Midnight

Jun 21, 2010 11:58

title: Midnight
pairing: Billy/Dom
rating: PG-13
words: ~700
summary: Who's kissing at midnight?
disclaimer: This is not true and I don’t mean any disrespect to the real people mentioned.
a/n: This little ficlet is inspired by Bernard Hill’s infamous teasing: "Did you know that Billy [Boyd] and Dom [Monaghan] were homosexual lovers for most of the filming? Apparently, at a millennium party in Wellington, they "discovered" each other. The noise was, allegedly, horrendous. They do spend rather a lot of screen time missing each other and emoting. Good luck to them, I say." but I’m sure I’ve messed with the timeline a little. I just love that quote. :D I'm on the road today, but I think I'll have time to post another little ficlet tonight when I get home.

It was hard to look away from him. In a room filled with famous, flamboyant people, Dom was somehow the flashiest. He drew attention like a magnet-especially Billy’s attention. Sparkling rings around his fingers, shimmering tie loosened around his neck, dark smudges of kohl beneath his eyes, dyed hair gelled to messy perfection-Dominic caught Billy’s eye and held it, even from across the crowded room.

They found their way to each other. Dom’s grin was unstoppable, contagious, and Billy found himself laughing.

“Want a drink?” Dom asked, holding up two flutes of champagne. Billy glanced down at his watch-almost midnight already?-and turned to set his empty beer bottle on a passing tray. He took the proffered glass and then took Dominic’s wrist to pull him out of the press of people. Dom followed willingly, though not without a longing glance at the crowd, the women and men in shiny, sparkling outfits and the bright flares of the photographers’ cameras.

“Having fun?” Billy asked with a lift of one eyebrow. It was a pointless question. Dom was obviously having fun, they were all having fun; Billy himself felt on top of the world.

“Almost midnight,” Dom said excitedly, swishing his champagne to make it fizz. “Gonna kiss me, Bills?”

Billy made a show of surveying the room for better candidates, ignoring Dom even when he punched Billy’s shoulder playfully. “I suppose you’re the only one who’d have me,” Billy sighed dramatically.

“Who says I’d have you?” Dom shot back, quite indignant.

“You can’t keep your hands off me,” Billy said smugly. He took a sip of his champagne. One more minute.

“You can’t keep your eyes off me,” Dom replied, leaning close to whisper in Billy’s ear. He lowered his voice even more and said, “You want me.”

Billy shrugged. “Eh.”

“You want me, you want me so badly,” Dom murmured. Billy could feel the little puffs of air tickling his ear as Dom spoke. He didn’t turn to meet Dom’s (dark, glassy, teasing) eyes. “You can’t even stand it anymore. You’re going to kiss me at midnight, Billy.”

“Oh, am I?”

“And then you’re going to get me drunk and take advantage of me,” Dom continued.

Billy did turn, then, and found Dom’s lips pulled into a tight, playful grin. He looked a bit blurry around the edges, and Billy laid his hand on Dom’s arm. “I don’t think I need to get you drunk, mate,” he pointed out with a laugh.

Dom’s smile slipped away. “You’re right,” he whispered, and pressed his body to Billy’s side, turning his wrist to hold tight to Billy’s sleeve. Billy’s mouth dropped open as an automatic response to Dom’s not-at-all-subtle erection digging into his hip and he stared into Dom’s darkly-rimmed eyes. Dom was daring him to say something, daring him to do something, and Billy never could back down from Dominic’s dares.

Billy lifted his hand, letting the champagne flute fall and shatter at their feet, and wrapped his fingers tightly around the back of Dominic’s neck, buried in the gel-stiffened strands of hair. Dom didn’t close his eyes. Billy pulled him in for his kiss, so what if they were a few seconds off-he heard cheering in the background and hoped it really was midnight-and Dominic’s lips crashed against his own.

Dom opened for him immediately, deepening the kiss before Billy had properly registered it as a kiss, and wrapped his arms around Billy to hold him closer. It was Billy who came to his senses and wrenched them apart.

Dom looked dazed and a little more drunk than before, and he clutched at Billy’s suit jacket with weak fingers. People were singing and cheering and Billy didn’t spare them a glance. He slipped his arm around Dom’s waist and led him towards the door.

“You still gonna take advantage of me?” Dom murmured, his voice hopeful and gravelly and not joking anymore.

Billy squeezed Dom’s hip and answered with his lips against Dom’s stubbly cheek.


fic, fic: pg-13

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