Men, Mountains and Molehills 2/?

Nov 26, 2007 18:16

Title: Men, Mountains, and Molehills
Author: Phentalon
Pairing: Billy/Sean Billy/Viggo Dom/Sean Dom/Viggo
Summary: Billy and Dom are rent boys in London, haunted by the death of their mentor Sean, and they are only just getting back into the swing of life when someone turns it all upside down.
Rating: R
Feedback: Pretty please with Domlijah flavoured porn and chocolate on top! If I get zero feedback I wont bother finishing, so if you like it just a tiny comment?

Billy stared at the blank dawn of London with disinterest, sucking on a cigarette. Dom and Viggo slept on beyond the faded curtain that hung within the door to the balcony on which Billy now stood. He leant forward on the railing. He felt vulnerable and unguarded; he liked Viggo, he liked him a lot, and it was with pain that he knew, in different circumstances, they really could have made something of it. Billy had enough ‘what ifs’ in his life as it was, so he swiftly resolved not to be of service to Viggo again.
He jumps as he feels Dom presence beside him, and he suddenly remembers:

“I can’t fucking believe you did that you idiot.”

“I’m sorry, it just… slipped out.”

“Dom, there is no better way the phrase this, but you’re a professional and should bloody act like one.”

“I know.” Dom sighed and took up the packet Billy had put down on the wide rail. “Can I?” Billy nodded shortly and he shook one out, lighting it with cold rattling fingers. “Maybe I wasn’t ready to go back to work.”

“No you fucking don’t. I don’t bring enough, be realistic. For Christ’s sake Dom why do you have to be… why can’t you just… right I’m not having this conversation in a clients house lets get dressed and go.”

“He’s still asleep…”

“Exactly.” He snapped, going inside and picking up his coat.

“He liked you.” Said Dom quietly of the sleeping Viggo in the middle of the room, while pulling on his jeans.

“Shut up.”

They left.


“Looking for someone?” Billy jumped as a tall blonde man appeared from the other side of the street. He didn’t like Soho at night in general, let alone when strangers talked to him. In truth he was wandering aimlessly, looking for a decent doorway to rest in. But he wasn’t going to tell this large man that.

“No, thank you.”

“Lost?” The man fell uninvited into step beside him.

“No.” Billy feigned purposefulness in his stride to emphasise the point.

“Fair enough.” The man veered off into an alleyway and vanished.

Hours later Billy gave up and sat on a stoop outside the Chinese emporium. It was cold and the air was damp around him, pressing at his claustrophobically. His life had hit an all time low. His acting had totally dried up, he’d been told to sling his hook by his agent, his brother, his very last bit of family, had disowned him for being gay almost eight years ago so he would be no help. Basically he had no one and one bad rent check too many had led him, with a rotten and poverty stricken hand, here, to this doorway. He could cry.

“You look pretty lost to me…” Said a voice above his head and he glanced up to find a pair of faded leather shoes, melting in the rainy air into dark jeans and if he really craned his neck to a long black coat and the same blonde head from earlier looking down at him from inside the collar.

“Look man, I dunno what you want but isn’t it quite obvious I don’t have any money?” The man laughed softly and lit up a cigarette.

“That it is my friend.” And he cocked the packet at Billy. He took one gratefully and the man sat beside him to light it in Billy’s mouth.

“I’ve been where you are you know.” He said, releasing a cloud of bluish smoke into the chill air.

“You’re where I am right now aren’t you.” Said Billy dryly, looking around the step.

“No I mean wondering if you’ll get through the night, and if you do, if you’ll get though the next, slowly moulding more and more into the streets until you’re the kind of person mothers cross the street to avoid, to get her child away from you.”

Billy didn’t quite know what to say to that. So he went for the obvious;

“Sorry, but who the fuck are you?”

“Someone impervious to lip.” He said dryly. “I wanna help.” He sucked on the cigarette again.




“Why not?” Billy snorted at this annoying answer. “Ok.” The guy continued. “Granted, in this shitty cynical times,” A ghost of a smirk flickered. ‘I can see how you might be a tad suspicious that I’ve got six guys waiting round the corner to inject you with heroin and gangbang you. Tell you what…” Billy jumped out of his skin as the man produced a shining switchblade and with a small swish let out the blade. But then he took the blade himself and held the handle out to Billy.

He looked with more then a little consternation at the man. “Why are you doing this?”

“You look lost. And nice, and trustworthy. And like I said why not?”

Billy thought for a moment. Stay here in this doorway, where he was really no more safe then anywhere else, or go with this stranger who he could not help but notice had a very trustworthy glint in those attractive eyes.

He took the knife, closed it and gave it back. “Ok.”

He grinned. “Excellent.”

“Are you out of your fucking mind!? That’s sick! You fucking creep let me out of here!”

The man, who’s name he’d found Sean, held up his hands defensively. “Ok. Fine, see you.”

Billy paused.

“You’re not trying to make me?”

“Course not. Some people prefer a home and food to the street but not everyone… that sounded manipulative, I can see your point, but just thought I’d give you an option. Goodbye, Billy.

He couldn’t believe he’d told that cunt his name, he thought angrily from his doorway two days later. A gently pluck told him change had been deposited into his empty coffee cup.

“Thank you.”

He shivered in the violent cold. It had just begun to rain, or possibly sleet, and it fell on his shoes not matter how far into the alcove he went. But still! The alternative… prostituting himself?! He could fuck right off. That meant trauma and probably drugs and misuse and exploitation…

But he couldn’t help musing at how kind the guy seemed to think he was being. Maybe he shouldn’t believe everything he saw in made for TV movies. The flat he’d been taken to was clean and tidy, there was no cheesy motif or drug paraphernalia. It could have been any flat. A man had wondered through at some point, a gorgeous blonde man Sean addressed as Karl when he wandered through in his boxers and said hi, eying Billy curiously.

And he’d let him leave quite freely… he’d said no commitment was required. No percentage bullshit, or anything like that. He said they all just put to the flat and food etc in equal measure and he’d still have money for himself.

What was the harm in going back, giving it a test? And if it was really messing him up, he could leave. Or maybe get another job and Sean would let him stay…

The sex. He didn’t consider himself to be overly emotional about it. But he wasn’t entirely casual about it. But that was a confidence issue more then anything. If he considered himself to be very attractive maybe he would find someone new every night. He thought about this at length on the bus he had caught with the meagre change thrown at him by businessmen as they hurried past. He rang what he prayed was the right bell when he reached the tall block of flats. A mans voice answered gruffly.

“It’s Billy.” His teeth chattered slightly in the cold and wet.

“Who?” Oh fuck.

“I’m, um, looking for Sean?”

“That’d be the pouf upstairs.” And they hung up. Charming! He rang the next one up.


“It’s Billy…?”

“Who?” Oh for fucks sake! “Oh, the little guy from the other day?” He breathed a sigh of relief. “‘Sick creep’ wasn’t it? What do you want?” Way to burn your bridges Billy.

“I’m sorry about that. I’d like to talk to him again, is he here?”

“Sean doesn’t do second proposals, take it or leave it, sorry…” He could hear him hanging up.

“No wait please!”

“I’ll decide that cheers Karl.” Said Sean half into the phone. “Hey. Change of heart? Come up.” It buzzed and Billy ran inside from the weather, taking off his thick coat before it dripped on the floor. He took the stairs two at a time, barely nervous now he was here.

Sean opened the door and was in only jeans but for some reason had a neat tie on round his bare neck. Billy decided not to ask, but launched straight in. “I’m sorry I was so rude but you kinda took me by surprise and in a warm flat it felt so easy to say no but I was thinking about it and-“ Sean held up a hand with a smile.

“You don’t have to explain. So, are you good to go?”

“Um… if I change my mind, can I leave?”

“Anytime. As long as you don’t take anything that isn’t yours when you do.”

“Of course not!” Billy contemplated the irony of this for a moment; he was so shocked that Sean could think he would steal from him, yet two days ago he had been filled with outrage at the idea of doing this.

“Great.” Sean smiled a little. Only a little; he wasn’t as carefree about this process as he appeared, but there was no sense in making Billy uncomfortable at this point. And he was a nice bloke, really nice. He could tell he hadn’t drunk or gambled his way out of his life. “Right, Karl,” Karl was scowling at Billy, clearly stinging at Billy’s original slight of this lifestyle. “Oh get over it man, you punched me if I remember correctly.” Billy laughed and Karl smiled reluctantly. Not one to hold a grudge, was Karl, and Sean appreciated it. He opened his wallet and took out a wad of notes. “Take Billy up to Camden and kit him out, and essentials, toothbrush and blah blah blah.”

“Sure thing Boss.” Karl winked. “C’mon then Scotty.”

Billy stared at the thick fold of notes Sean produced without a second thought. Clearly you don’t scrimp in this business. Business. That’s what it was. But as Karl fetched a coat of his to lend Billy and they went out again, he had a feeling he might have made a couple of decent mates as well.
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