Happy late birthday to my darling
maygra. Who I fangirled wildly before she ever knew my name. Maygra, love, it was a JOY and an HONOR and STUFF to meet you at wincon - I consider you one of my Fandom Mommas and am aflail on the regular that I've gotten to know you better.
Happy late birthday 2.0 to
nikitangel who's one of my oldest LJ friends at this point! You
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Comments 15
And dude, if I was in jail, the students wouldn't be able to find me ... isn't that worth something? Don't think of it as locked away from other people; think of it as other people locked away from you!
See, now that's positive thinking right there! *heartily pats you on the back* I approve. :D
Okay, because I'm evil I'll remind you of two fic ideas that I remember we talked about a loooooong time ago.
Money shot.
Cock freckle.
Do it, don't do it: remembering those conversations still make me smile. Hee! :D
I can't possibly continue to live if one of you does not explain where cock freckle came from. Is there a Jensen photo shoot picture Mona has not sent me??
So, okay. Amanda lives in Australia so she was only ever on chat (which I NEVER AM ANYMORE because Wolfram and Hart is FUCKING EVIL) at the same time as me during her early morning, my late afternoon. So I took it as my personal mission to hook her up with as much flaily and hopefully funny insanity from my quarter as possible so she could start her day off on a good note!
So, god, I don't even know, one day we ended up talking about...dude, I honestly don't even know how this started LOL. But somehow I ended up saying that she should spend her day thinking about this: I imagined Jensen to have freckles EVERYWHERE. And that Sam would, like, count the freckles on Dean's cock or something.
THE POINT is that we ended up giggling stupidly for a very long time over the concept of cock freckles. And I started saying FRECKLECOCK as much as I could because it's a hilariously awesome word to say. Try it, I'll wait.
SEE?! FRECKLECOCK. Awesome, right?
*FACEPALM* God, maybe ( ... )
OH MY FUCKING GOD, like I wouldn't tell you IMMEDIATELY if such a thing came to pass?! I am offended. DEEPLY offended that you'd think such a thing of me. I'd be emailin' and callin' and sendin' fucking CARRIER PIGEONS to bring pictures of Jensen Ackles' cock to your attention. BECAUSE OF THE LOVE I HAVE FOR YOU.
I really don't think I can handle this christian fundamental bull-shit!
I actually fought with the home school program principal/director guy last week because he counted Chance's Science question wrong because apparently energy can "only be created by god." Please kill me!
Don't worry I am in the process of finding a home school program i can live with...Thank you Tyler for introducing me to the liberal, hippie, progressive home school people.
I can't handle that dude. I CANNOT FUCKING HANDLE THAT.
Omg, I'm finding you some links. I'm finding you some links RIGHT NOW. So that at least THIS little Oklahoma boy will know ACTUAL SCIENCE regardless of what the fucking "principle" says. MOTHERFUCKER.
*flies off into homicidal rage in search of links*
I mean the LEAST you can do is SUPPLEMENT his "education" via the OK public school system.
There's videos for students and a Teacher's Guide.
This one addresses the relationship of Evolution and God.
Evolution, specifically common descent, tells us how life came to where it is, but it does not say why. If the question is whether evolution disproves the basic underlying theme of Genesis, that God created the world and the life in it, the answer is no. Evolution cannot say exactly why common descent chose the paths that ( ... )
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