
Jan 07, 2012 16:15

HEY GUYS. Here;s a bunch of art I mostly just posted on Tumblr or Twitter, which I will now post here without any shred of context. HAVE FUN.

Under the cut! )

sonic, random fandom, arts, kaiji, pokemon, my little pony, tamagotchi, la-mulana

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Comments 7

runawayblue January 7 2012, 23:36:18 UTC
I really like that green sloth. Like, a lot, it's so cool.

And that last Sonic is SUPER CUTE I love cute Sonics.


momogirl12345 January 8 2012, 04:59:18 UTC
ehehe gosh thanks!! Its not my fave one but people seem to like it :> im glad

all the baby sonics all the time yes


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momogirl12345 January 9 2012, 23:07:07 UTC
gosh thanks!!


sagesoren January 8 2012, 18:35:25 UTC
Popples! *u*

And how come you quit Tumblr? Who was being dumb? Should I punch them?

These are all really cute and I admire your style flexibility. You can draw basically anything! How often do you take commissions? :>


momogirl12345 January 9 2012, 23:07:53 UTC
A lot of reasons! Hates the setup, hated how it inhibited social interaction, hated how it kept doing crappy things. No one there was being dumb, the whole site was dumb, pretty much!

and thank you, im glad you think so!


inquisitory January 9 2012, 08:50:23 UTC
These are all so fantastic! You have such a way with critters of every size and shape, and it's delightful to see so much variety in your artwork, all in the same post. I especially love the boxes with the bowties, and of course your take on Sonic and Tails is super cute and charming ;A;

btw, happy belated birthday to you and Pimmy! I hope it was awesome ♥


momogirl12345 January 9 2012, 23:09:34 UTC
uwahh thank you!! ;3; heheh glad you like them!! And thank you too!


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