A meme, I assume

Feb 17, 2011 04:52

A thing I found somewhere:

Tell me an assumption you have had about me and I will tell you if it is wrong or right! (feel free to be anonymous for this)


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momogirl12345 February 17 2011, 13:01:44 UTC
this may or may not be true or false ONLY TIME CAN TELL

I just like to think I have a creative sense of humor 9v6


henriekeg February 17 2011, 12:42:20 UTC
Up until not even that long ago I thought you were a guy... probably because of the name 'Nicolai'. Nearly everyone thinks or thought the same of me by the way. I can't really blame them in my case (I would if they saw me in real life XD)


henriekeg February 17 2011, 12:44:28 UTC
(obviously I only knew your FA account, 'momogirl' makes things kind of obvious)


momogirl12345 February 17 2011, 13:04:24 UTC
haha, don't worry you're not the only one XD Sometimes I'm surprised how long it takes people on FA to realize I'm a girl even when they talk to me on AIM! I don't do it on purpose but it amuses me since I think I'm rather girly when I talk.
Interesting that people would mistake you! But I guess it's not a common name that you have, at least for people in the US that hear it.


henriekeg February 17 2011, 13:15:57 UTC
No, most people have no clue how to pronounce my name and wonder what it means. It's actually my real name, and though it's not too common it's still a normal name here.
Usually when I see people's art I kind of create a picture in my mind of what the artist might look like, based on their art style, interests and character. Usually with 'furry art' (gosh I hate that word) the more realistic or cutesy stuff is drawn by females and the crazy cartoony cartoons are done by males. Even though Kiki is a girl I can't really blame people for not seeing that, since she looks pretty genderless.
At least with you I didn't find out THAT late, sometimes I've 'known' a person for several years only to find out it's actually a dude. Heh. Also meeting people in real life is weird.. You know Kipper? I expected some thin guy with glasses but he's actually a trucker and also looks like one ;)


missmorrichan February 17 2011, 14:04:21 UTC
Ohh, but it is such bad manners for me to make such brazen assumptions, it is.

Seriously, though. I always figured you (and by extension Pimmy) were on the small side IRL, and you don't look as old as you actually are. IS THIS TRUE.


momogirl12345 February 17 2011, 14:12:14 UTC
It is true! Right on the mark, really, we are both tiny people (less than 100lbs, 5'2" at most), and I am often likened to a 12 year old boy. I wonder if personality somewhat coincides with how people see you irl...


nishiox February 17 2011, 15:42:22 UTC
Of course Oxnard asks the sexually charged questions! But either I heard this and remembered but forgot you said so, or it was an assumption and then other readings sorta confirmed it for me. But you like girls right? Like a girl liking girl? I think they're called lezbeans or something. I recently forgot and then thought so.

Also have you seen a TV shows called Hamtaro before because for some tega reason I feel like maybe you possibly did. B-)


momogirl12345 February 17 2011, 15:50:10 UTC
They're called "LESS BEANS" because they dont like very many beans in their chili, its part of the genetic side-effects. and yes you are right, I like girls!! |D

WOW WHERE DID YOU HEAR THAT FROM you must be psychic


nishiox February 17 2011, 16:28:44 UTC
That's why Oxnard is the one with the tarot cards yo. B-)


missmorrichan February 17 2011, 22:41:24 UTC

But they are an excellent source of protein and fibre! YOU HAD BETTER ADD LOTS OF MEAT AND VEGGIES TO MAKE UP FOR IT. Don't make me come over there and throw supplements at you.


tillieyo February 17 2011, 16:47:04 UTC
I thought you could change my life. I'm not ENTIRELY sure what that means. It's just the vibe I got. I'm kind of awkward.


momogirl12345 February 17 2011, 23:09:45 UTC
that is somehow flattering! only time will tell if that one is true! :O Well I hope if I have affected your life in some small way, it has been positive.


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