Title: Art for In His Image Fandom: Supernatural Characters/Pairings: Gabriel, Cathy; gen Genres: art Media: Mixed: 2 digital; 1 traditional (Prismacolor marker) Rating: PG Fic Masterpost: here
So lovely! The colours on the first image are perfect (their hair and Gabriel's jack pop so vividly!), the leathery bible effect on the header works awesomly, and the last one is just fun <3
Wow, your prismacolors look amazing! I had to look back at that one like six times to figure out if it was in watercolor paint or not. Absolutely stunning! You blend the colors so well.
Comments 5
... I don't know. Forget epic cliffs and wistfulness and staring into horizons. Richard Speight Jr's hair. Apparently.
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