Art time! Hetalia/Peter Pan this time.
I'm hardly the first
person to mix these two, but I wanted some art where Arthur gets to be the pirate he is. I mean, America is great as Pan, but Arthur not get to be Hook? Then of course my love of slashing America kicked in. England shares this love.
Unexpected snog is unexpected!
Canada gets to be Wendy, but I didn't want to put him in a nightgown, so he gets a hockey shirt and pajama bottoms that make him look Canadian but not Wendyish. Oh well!
Fuck! I forgot Canada's glasses. I thought he looked weird. Also I can't draw crossed legs, durr. :B
And of course y'all remember
Jeremiah, right? He has to be included!
Grumpy Confederate faeries for everyone!
Jerrybell disapproves of this whole thing.
That toad was on the driveway again. He must live in the nearby garden. I petted him. ^_^