So, last night
kel_reiley was musing over twitter about how she'd been reading a fic and a guy in his 20s had used the term 'mother hen', which she personally felt like some one of that demographic wouldn't do. That led to a discussion in which it was realized that lots of people about our age say 'mother hen', but then the question moved to whether it was
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Comments 43
2. i am a total word thief. i pick up accents and choice words/phrases really easily. the worst thing about lotr rps fandom was how much my brain wanted me to run around calling everyone cunting bastards, which is not really acceptable. but i pick them up everywhere- tv shows, fandom, friends, etc. so the only good thing about #1 is that if i immerse myself in a given fandom, i will start talking like i live there, and then i can write it!
And also, have you seen the Snow White & The Huntsment trailer, and if you have, do you ALSO want to see Chris Hemsworth play Jean in the Gentleman Bastards movie? I need Locke Lamora icons. Do people make those?
yes! and i'm in! also fyi: ashley and i have cast jgl as locke. as far as i know, this is the only icon in the whooooooooole world! but there can be more.
There's also the general carriage debate I and Bostonian BFF have frequently. Also disagreement over what constitutes a milkshake. I also probably wouldn't use the phrase "I am Tom Brady confident" outside of here.
1. I try not to, but I know I project a lot of snark into my writing. I also sometimes have to go back and rework the proper grammar when it makes things stilted (because I know in everyday speech most people aren't overly concerned with whether or not they are ending a sentence with a preposition). There are probably some other smaller things, but I'll go back and try to eliminate them if possible.
2. Not really? Most of the phrases I pick up are from misquoted 80s song lyrics, Arrested Development, and Family Guy.
What do you feel DOES constitute a milk shake? And does your version bring more boys to the yard than a regular milk shake?
I've always had milk shakes that include ice cream, milk, and possibly syrup. BFF claims that milk shakes are milk and flavored syrup, possibly not shaken. I'm not sure, but my Pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard, so that's something.
Also, no, your BFF has wrong opinions about milk shakes. Milk shakes have ice cream in them. Milk and syrup is just flavored milk, regardless of whether it's shaken or stirred.
1. I try to avoid that, when I'm writing I rather like the channel the character and think of what they would do/say in the situation or moment based on their personality. I really try to avoid putting myself into a character.
2.I definitely have been told I've been sounding incredibly British with the way I say certain words/phrases and I can ultimately figure I picked it up from the Doctor Who fandom.
3 I wish, but I don't.
2. Doctor Who fandom is a boon to society.
And it's true.
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