If you read any part of this read the last paragraph

Nov 23, 2010 00:39

I decided to get the kid a netbook for Christmas. It's this one here. It has a webcam so he can chat with his cousin in Qatar! See the price? I paid $150 for it! Bestbuy sent my mom an email saying that they were inviting her to a pre-Black Friday online sale today. So, she ordered it for me! YAY! I was all prepared to wait in line at 1a to get ( Read more... )

no such thing as happy endings, tis the season

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Comments 10

zinaya November 23 2010, 13:46:56 UTC
In a hurry so I skipped to the last paragraph. :p

I'm going to try that salt bath tonight. Thanks for the tip!


moltobene1925 November 23 2010, 14:48:49 UTC
Oooooh! Let me know how it goes :)


carrie_leigh November 23 2010, 14:26:39 UTC
You're a massage therapist? That's so awesome. I've STILL never had a massage (I'm old). I've a friend who is a masseur, and people tell me he's incredibly talented, but I dunno, I just think it'd be weird being massaged by him.

The epsom salt/cider thing sounds great! I currently have both those things in the pantry and will try it out, soon. :)


moltobene1925 November 23 2010, 14:56:08 UTC
I'm in school for it and, as of yesterday, I have less than a month left. It's been a long fifteen month program but it's really comprehensive as far as body studies go. Louisiana has one of the highest hour requirements in the country except for three other places and my school requires 299 more hours than the state does. So, yeah, long and informative.

If you find it weird to be massaged by your friend go to a stranger. There are benefits to a friend doing it, though. I massage a lot of my friends, and for a lot of them it's their first one. They have a lot of questions and I can take the time to answer them. Plus, for my friends I tend to care a lot more about what I'm doing because I care about the person, so I do a better job if it's on a stranger. Plus, I know their problem areas because I've known them for so long I know their work, their habits, etc.

Take the bath! It's amazing!


jessicakmalfoy November 23 2010, 23:20:19 UTC
i was going to buy Aislynn one of those but i decided not to because they don't come with a DVD player :(

and i think i'll try to salad bath :D haha


moltobene1925 November 24 2010, 09:10:16 UTC
You can get one that hooks up via USB and she can just attach it when needed. Kid might get that for his bday a month after Christmas...


jessicakmalfoy November 24 2010, 19:34:29 UTC
Yeah I've seen those. We have a portable DVD player though so I guess I don't see the point in getting her one, even though she's always asking for one. Trevor will be one happy kid though!!


crazy_lil_loud1 November 24 2010, 08:44:03 UTC
Not sure when I will do the last paragraph ( ... )


moltobene1925 November 24 2010, 09:16:22 UTC
Ooooh yeah, no bath for her :( But when the doctor gives her the go ahead it would probably do her some good.

Doesn't affect it at all. My teacher (female) takes this bath three times a week.
I didn't find it did, and I rinsed the tub out when I was done so nothing lingered.
Actually, my hair looked great the day after. I tried to immerse as much of my face in as I could too so there was no helping my hair getting in it.
The salt dissolves so it won't be a problem. Plus, epson salt is the stuff they put in bath salts and people have been bathing in it for years. Perfectly safe.

I just started downloading seasons 1 and 2 of Ahhhhhh! Real Monsters for him because he likes it. Now I can't wait for Christmas morning to give it to him!



crazy_lil_loud1 November 24 2010, 16:29:59 UTC
I think that it would do great for my Momma ( ... )


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