I find your lack of Valentines disturbing.

Feb 14, 2006 20:11

For your giggle factor this V-Day, kindly mosey over to Photoshop Phriday's collection of Star Wars Valentines. Very amusing.

Many thanks to kalquessa for bringing that to my attention.

*flings chocolates*

parody by others, star wars

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Comments 4

abrynne February 15 2006, 06:25:16 UTC
LOL Those are so great! Thanks for posting them :D


gaffsie February 15 2006, 11:24:50 UTC
Hehe, those are brilliant. Thanks for posting. :) I just love the one with Darth Vader going "It disturbs me that you've got no valentines. Be mine." A true romantic, that Vader.


kalquessa February 15 2006, 18:34:05 UTC
I win at the internet!


mollyringle February 17 2006, 20:08:43 UTC
Yes you do! Welcome to my page. I kiss you.


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