"Lost" of January 18, 2006

Jan 20, 2006 09:20

So, "Lost" the other night: let's see if I got this right...

Spoilers and condensed parody )

lost, parody by me

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Comments 18

terrylj January 21 2006, 16:13:26 UTC
Yep, that's pretty much the episode I saw.

AUDIENCE: Now would be a good time to say, "Fine! We crashed here, remember? We don't WANT to be here! Give us a boat or a radio, and send us home!" But instead...

ABSO-FRAGGIN-LUTELY! Where are these people's HEADS? Of course, when Mary-Kate-Sue is involved, we know which head they're thinking with.

Come on, who else was chanting, "Shoot her, Zeke! Shoot her, Zeke!"? ...yes, I thought so.

Hey, I have no "Lost" icons. Must remedy this immediately.


mollyringwraith January 21 2006, 18:51:00 UTC
Hee hee...Mary-Kate-Sue. Exactly.

I suppose if they had said "Fine, send us home," the Others would have refused and said they enjoyed holding them as prisoners or lab rats instead, but I would have felt better if someone had at least brought up the topic.


dirae January 22 2006, 15:51:10 UTC
I will admit that your parody here was exactly on target with pretty much everything I felt during the episode. I like "Lost" but the show is turning out like Square Pegs meets West Side Story meets Gilligan's Island meets Southern Comfort with a spooky black nebulous creature...

Really, I was hoping Jack and "Zeke" would have a Jets vs. Sharks kind of dance off battle. Preferably overtop of Kate's lifeless body while singing songs about their turf and gang mentalities...but that's just how my mind works. :)


mollyringwraith January 23 2006, 04:11:57 UTC
Oooh, a musical episode could really bring this show back on track! That would be awesome. Unlikely, though, I guess. :)

This season isn't grabbing me as much as the first season did. I'm not sure if it's because the novelty of Island Weirdness has worn off, or I can't shake the impression that the writers don't actually know where they're going and are consequently stalling, or what exactly. I'm still curious enough to keep watching, though...


threerings January 22 2006, 22:27:12 UTC
Fantastic. Thanks.


mollyringwraith January 23 2006, 04:12:47 UTC
Happy to oblige (or snark, at least)... :)


Hello anonymous August 14 2008, 06:17:36 UTC
I'm new here, just wanted to say hello and introduce myself.


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