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Comments 61

dslartoo May 22 2005, 05:07:29 UTC
And also, why does that droid have a cough? Of all the things to go wrong with a droid, lung problems seem among the unlikeliest.

Grievous is a cyborg -- part Kaleesh, part robot. I'm also told that the Clone Wars cartoon miniseries explains the cough. (Yes, it's bad moviemaking to require having seen something else first).

And on the Big Ol' Planet o' Lava, come on: surely we all thought, "I'm glad you're with me, Anakin, here at the end of all things."

Actually, I HADN'T, until now, and THANK YOU VERY MUCH for sticking that image into my head, where I will now never be able to see it again the same way.

AND--in a culture that mastered galactic space travel, lightsabers, and really kick-ass prosthetic limbs, a woman doesn't know she's having twins until delivery? Ultrasound, they have not? Skeptical, I am.

Hell, we have people in TODAY'S society who don't find out they're carrying twins until they give birth. :)

So, basically, what I loved best was that they brought it back to what we loved in the first place. Which means I ( ... )


mollyringwraith May 22 2005, 05:18:14 UTC
Hell, we have people in TODAY'S society who don't find out they're carrying twins until they give birth.

Well, of course, but we're much less advanced than they are, considering we don't have lightsabers, galactic space travel, cyber-prosthetics, hologram teleconferencing, etc. So I kinda expected they'd have figured out ye olde ultrasound. :)

And yep, I did mean eps I & II. Fixed to show that--thank you. (I hate prequels and numbering...)


dslartoo May 22 2005, 05:22:26 UTC
Oh, I didn't mean that they were incapable of ultrasound back then -- I just meant that there are plenty of people today who don't have ultrasounds done because they want to be surprised. Figure Padme may have been the same way. :)



orange852 May 22 2005, 16:46:39 UTC
She's a Senator of Naboo. Her health is of some concern to its people. Are public figures of this magnitude permitted to go without prenatal care? Or even regular checkups?

I know she was concerned about the impact pregnancy would have on her secret marriage to Anakin, but I just don't buy that she could (or would...multiple births can be higher risk pregnancies) completely hide it and herself away from scrutiny until term.

I find it much more likely, especially considering how ready she was with two names for two genders, that Padme knew and just didn't tell anyone around her. My real question is: How did the most experienced Jedi, presumably the strongest Force-users, in the galaxy fail to figure out her ruse? Why would Padme have to tell Mr. Skillz Skywalker he was going to be a daddy, especially if Luke and Leia are supposed to be so fabulously strong in the Force?

Even before the prequels, I had a tough time buying that Darth Vader tortured his own daughter and didn't figure it out.


aerin_pegadrak May 22 2005, 05:14:03 UTC
Personally, I think Greivous's cough comes from all the bits of scenery that went down the wrong tube after he chewed them up. I don't think I've ever seen a villain so cheesy and overdone.


duble May 22 2005, 05:27:42 UTC
supposedly there's some sort of animated show that explains the droid's cough (injury from a previous battle) and a lot of other random stuff, though i haven't seen it.

also, i heard that you can see the Millenium Falcon docking in one of the Coruscant scenes. i missed it, but some of my friends claim to have seen it.

personally, i think this movie could really benefit from an extended edition -- they definitely need to fill in a few gaps, and they could do a scene to explain anakin's rather abrupt switch from "what have i done?" to "i pledge myself to you, senator palpatine"


(The comment has been removed)

mollyringwraith May 22 2005, 19:15:44 UTC
"Why oh why does Lucas feel the need to tinker with his own canon?!"

Exactly. The "Han shoots second" fiasco was abomination enough, but now...well, as kenshi put in today's post, it's like Lucas is just writing fanfiction for his own series.


elycia May 22 2005, 07:59:55 UTC
Haven't seen the movie yet, but I did read a tidbit in the newspaper re the cough. Apparently, when they were trying to choose a voice for the character, Lucas was suffering with a terrible lingering bronchitis that made him cough violently every time he described and demonstrated what he wanted the character to sound like. He found it amusing, and they kept it.

Yet Another touch of megalomania, perhaps? ;-)


mollyringwraith May 22 2005, 19:20:18 UTC
Ugh. That doesn't surprise me, but it does annoy me.


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