kateelliott first introduced me to the Bechdel Test
in this post about epic fantasy. The Bechdel Test was originally created for movies, but can be applied easily to books too. As
its official page states, the test rates a movie (or a book, we could say) on the following three criteria
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Comments 10
But my second one has a nearly all-female cast, and the subject of Boys doesn't come up at all....
I think this needs saying: believing in basic equality is feminist. I wish you wouldn't write us off as a bunch of screaming bra-burners. If you mean it as a joke, it doesn't really work, inasmuch as I've read a lot of discourse that uses the same old hoary sterotypes in total earnest.
NB: this isn't a request for you to cut the line out of your post, or anything like that. But you raised the point, and I think you should know my stance on it.
I guess I included it to indicate that, while I'm a feminist in the sense you refer to--namely, of being in favor of equality and harmony--I'm not the type of feminist who has no sense of humor and plans to get angry because of these movie-rating criteria or anything. At the time and place I went to college (Univ. of Oregon, early '90s), there were plenty of such women, angry and in your face and really not fun to be around. Gave me a bad association with the word "feminist" for a long time, which apparently I'm still not over. Nonetheless, apologies to the rest of you who seem truly nice. :)
The heck of it is that lots of people have that association with the word "feminist". FWIW, I think this is also partly the fault of the press, because conflict sells newspapers and because it was fun to circulate the meme that "feminist"="that woman who mutilated her husband with a kitchen knife". In any case, it's certainly ingrained through the minds of a lot of people I know. I wish it wasn't but there it is.
As for fanfic, it's mostly male characters. I doubt many (any?) of my LOTR fics pass. But my Sherlock WIP passes; we got ladies talking to other ladies about possible female stalkers. So that one wins by complete accident. My MASH fics are also 50/50, as I've got Margaret and her nurses trying to solve a murder in one of them.
It's a good test. I think of how often I talk to my female friends about science, politics, health, vacations, etc. It just doesn't end up a lot in fiction. A lot of fiction is (as you demonstrate above) romantic in nature, so we WANT to talk with (or about) the boys. Supremely guilty. Great post!
For fanfic, I think we can mostly blame the original authors. LOTR's lack of female leadership roles is squarely Tolkien's fault. To remedy it in fanfic, we'd either have to shove the females into joint protagonist positions (Arwen and Eowyn take over the quest? Cue fans rolling eyes...), or introduce original female characters (cue fans rolling eyes again).
But as kiralademaus says below, it's probably okay to fail the test as long as the reverse fails too--say, when it's nearly always about romance, and the men talking to each other are always discussing a woman. :)
Because I like equality, but I don't have a particular problem with stories, say, starring one man and one woman, or pure romantic fluff where all characters are continually talking about romantic concerns.
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