Note to Security

Apr 30, 2006 14:35

From Here

Molly goes to the bar with her note, and tries in vain to get the bar to accept it. When she finally sees the notice saying that the bar is not working at present, she tacks it to the notice board and returns quickly to the infirmary.

To any member of security:

This morning, I found Cain Adamson gravely injured outside in the gardens. He appeared to have been attacked, and would have been killed if he was not immortal. He is currently in the infirmary, being tended by Dr. Guppy Sandu, which is where you will be able to find me, as well, until he is released, if you have questions.

I suspect he may have had a run-in with the Hulk. The Hulk was in a rage last night, and may have unintentionally hurt Cain in an attempt to get away from the bar.

This is only a guess. All I know is that Cain is badly injured, and the person(s) responsible is still out there somewhere, possibly dangerous.

If you have any questions, you can find me in the infirmary, or in my room (number 1007).

Thank you,

Molly Prewett

There is a rough sketch at the bottom of the parchment that shows the gardens and where she found Cain lying that morning.
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