OOM: Molly ponders

May 11, 2006 09:34

Molly finished her work early this morning, and so is sitting on the large flat rock, down by the lake. You know the one…everyone sits there eventually to Think Deep Thoughts. Or get a tan.

Since Molly doesn’t tan so much as freckle, she is Thinking Deep Thoughts, instead.

She is going to spend the majority of the day in her room, potion making, especially after yesterday’s little scare . Luckily Tim had been on hand to put her fears to rest about that.

Still, it had given her pause. What would she have done, if she’d really been pregnant? Her whole life would have been turned upside down. She wasn’t even finished with school yet, and when the door unlocked for her, she would have to step into the moment that she left from, wouldn’t she? How would she do that, if she were pregnant? How would she explain?

Aside from that, what would she tell Cain? He didn’t have any memories; didn’t even remember who he was! Could she expect him to want a child? Where would they raise it? His world? Her world? The bar?

She had no idea if he even realized at this point where babies came from, and they hadn’t been exactly careful lately. She didn’t have anyone to blame for that but herself. She would have to be more diligent in the future, both with potions and charms, and keeping track of the calendar.

She won't lie to him if he asks, but she supposes there isn’t any point in telling Cain about her scare, now that she knows it was a false alarm. Now she has to wonder why her monthly cycle is off… she’d give it another couple of days, then seek out a healer…
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