But I kind of secretly like thinking of it as bee honey. Because honey is food for baby bees and milk is food for baby mammals. So they represent everything you need--the perfect delicious sustenance.
do these things go well together because we are accustomed to them going together? or because they would always go well together and things growing in a region work well together...
They go well together because they go well together. I already had a dressing I loved that was pomegranate molasses, olive oil and agave, and I just traded the agave for the date syrup. My favorite thing to do with that dressing was to put it on quinoa and chickpeas and I had been thinking about adding raisins, so I just swapped the bulghur and barley for the quinoa.
I don't think that the ancient Israelites ate them like this, all together, but they do make a neat salad.
A great dressing: tahini, pomegranate molasses, salt and pepper, pressed garlic, salt and pepper, water to thin it out. It would be good in a meat braise, or a bbq sauce.
Comments 7
I don't think that the ancient Israelites ate them like this, all together, but they do make a neat salad.
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