Picspam: Gossip Girl VS Hana Yori Dango

Jun 30, 2009 03:02

SO! I've been planning to do this picspam since last year but have been too lazy to get around to it. And sort of rightly so, as it took me FOREVER. But now, it is completed in all of it's glory so that everyone can acknowledge that Gossip Girl is truly American Hanadan.

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#14, #8, #3, #12, #6, #20, #15, hanadan, #10, #4, #5, #16, #11, #1, #7, #19, gossip girl, #2, #13, #18, picspam, #9, #17

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Comments 230

pamoreno June 30 2009, 16:16:26 UTC
I LOVE THIS PICSPAM! It's made of awesome.

Thank you! :D


mojotastic June 30 2009, 16:30:51 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked it! Gossip Girl + Hanadan = <3!


pamoreno June 30 2009, 16:41:12 UTC
OMG! Now, I'll have to re-watch Gossip Girl! (I re-watched Handan last week)


mojotastic June 30 2009, 16:55:19 UTC
I know! I've been meaning to do a Gossip Girl rewatch. I think I might have actually rewatched Hanadan *twice* this year. Oh Hanadan. I just found out that they're going to release a North American version of Final and did a little happy dance.


koizumi June 30 2009, 16:20:52 UTC
THIS WAS AMAZING. I love both shows so much and I really enjoyed reading this. ♥


mojotastic June 30 2009, 16:32:05 UTC
Yay! Thanks! I super love both shows and started seeing the similarities and was like "OMG MUST SHARE"!


x_notsosilent_x June 30 2009, 16:24:03 UTC
THIS IS AMAZING. I want to like copy/paste this and show it to all my HYD/GG friends. I never knew there were so many similarities!!!


mojotastic June 30 2009, 16:56:31 UTC
Thanks! <3 It was one of those things where I started noticing the similiarties after the "Fancy meeting you here because I've been stalking you!" scene and then couldn't STOP noticing them.


missmomoko June 30 2009, 16:27:32 UTC
Wow that was awesome! I don't even watch Gossip Girl but I really enjoyed that. I thought your commentary was hilarious! Great job!! It must have taken you ages!


mojotastic June 30 2009, 16:57:53 UTC
Thanks! As I was watching Gossip Girl I was like "Why does this seem familiar....?" LOL! It seriously did take FOREVER. I would work on a little bit and then take a break because OMG TOO MANY THINGS THE SAME. :P


lovestories June 30 2009, 16:29:23 UTC
THIS IS FANTASTIC. One of my friends has been trying to persuade me to watch Hana Yori Dango for MONTHS, but I've always been all, "Pshaw, whatevs! I'll take my TV without subtitles (it's...a Thing)!" BUT THISSSSS. I got up to the fashion!failWIN and I had crazy anime hearts in my eyes. So going to attempt to check this out!


mojotastic June 30 2009, 17:00:09 UTC
I'll be honest in that half of my reason for doing this picspam was to maybe convert more people to the awesome of Hanadan. IT'S AMAZING. The best part of the ~fashion~ section was that I was feeling lazy and didn't really work that hard to exhibit Domyouji's greatest hits. OMG he has so many insane outfit choices. If there's a coat with a comically huge fur collar, he will find it.

Hope you check out Hanadan! You'll love it!


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