Hello new friends!

Jan 02, 2015 15:52

Hey, I appreciate it if you have friended me ::waves:: and I want to say hi, but ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

china_shop November 12 2009, 00:47:25 UTC
Hi! Just so you know, that link is broken (dreamwidth is an org, not a com).

Also, is your journal there syndicated to LJ, by any chance? I'm only reading over here atm.


mojavedragonfly November 12 2009, 02:51:21 UTC
Ooh. You are right. Thanks.

No, I'm not syndicated. Don't know how to do that. (Could look into it, I suppose.)


RSS feed mojavedragonfly November 12 2009, 03:01:25 UTC
Wait, could it possibly be this easy? I found this little button in my journal labeled "RSS."


There's also something called "ATOM."



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