My first poll! What should I write?

Dec 01, 2007 21:14

UPDATED I can't thank you all enough for giving me this feedback! While anyone who hasn't voted is still welcome to, I think it's pretty clear which storyline is the most wanted. What was interesting, imo, was watching the race for second place jockey around ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

ravenboo December 2 2007, 19:39:03 UTC
It seems people want "stuff" to happen LOL !!! :D


mojavedragonfly December 2 2007, 20:11:17 UTC
Urk. Do you think people think I meant smut? I just meant I don't know what happens next.


ravenboo December 2 2007, 20:20:08 UTC
Hehehe some may want smut, some of us want romance, we ALL wanna know what happens next :D


wiliqueen December 3 2007, 16:40:32 UTC
I want to know what happens next, smut or not! Because I've thought all along that it if it were that easy, Henry would have just done it in the first place. There are holes, and holes are the mostest fun thing to play with in fic! ;-D


teresab313 December 2 2007, 20:00:00 UTC
I was torn between Norman and Devil and played 'eenie, meenie'; Norman won, but maybe you can do a story for each? :-)


mojavedragonfly December 2 2007, 21:24:46 UTC
Wow. Lots of people seem to be torn between those two plots. Guess I'll have to do them both. :-)

Thanks for playing!


chegs74 December 2 2007, 21:02:26 UTC
I voted for a post Norman. But even the Christina option was long as the confort he gets is from Vicki ;)!


mojavedragonfly December 2 2007, 21:25:23 UTC
Vicki's who I had in mind. ;-)



chegs74 December 2 2007, 21:27:05 UTC
Then you have my blessing....LOL....write whatever you like, I trust you ;)...and I'm already waiting for this brend new story :)!!


(The comment has been removed)

mojavedragonfly December 2 2007, 21:30:12 UTC
Since I'm so bad at titles, whatever I write I'll probably stick a sin on it for a title and call it good. :-)

Now, I have to warn you, I honestly don't usually write smut. Luxuria was the one exception, because it's a sin called "Lust" and that seemed to call for some sex. But I don't expect to do it again. Sorry.

Thanks so much! I was a little afraid I'd make a poll and no one would come. :)


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