Surprise! (Frodo, Merry) PG MMOM 11-29

May 29, 2011 14:38

Title: Surprise!
Author: moit
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Characters: Frodo, Merry
Rating: PG
Genre: comedy
Warnings: implied slash, implied mpreg
Summary: When Frodo has a problem, he turns to Merry for advice.
Word Count: 165
Challenge: mmom #29

"I think I'm pregnant," Frodo whispered urgently.

Merry promptly burst out laughing.

"It's not funny!"

"I'm sorry," Merry replied, schooling his features. "Who is the father?"

"I think it's Sam."

"You think?"

Frodo wrung his hands nervously. "Well, I just don't know who else it could be."

"And when did this happen?"

"Well, do you remember when I got sick a few weeks ago and Sam spent the night because he already had the sickness?"

Merry nodded.

"Well, that night, he and I, we . . ."

"You . . . What?"

Frodo made a motion with his hands.

"You had a wank?"

"Shh! Not so loud!"

"Frodo," Merry sighed. "You cannot get pregnant from a wank."

"Oh." Frodo's cheeks turned pink. "Then what about this?" he asked, lifting his shirt and weskit to reveal a round belly.

"That, my dear cousin, is a food baby." Merry poked Frodo's belly, earning an "Ow!" of surprise. "I think it's a boy," Merry said with a wink.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

gen, fandom: lord of the rings, rating: pg, mmom

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