Title: I Do Solemnly Serve
moitFandom: Lord of the Rings
Characters: Pippin, Denethor
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama
Summary: When Pippin swears his allegiance to Denethor, the Steward demands something extra.
Word Count: 253
mmom #21
“ . . . until my lord release me, or death take me, or the world ends. So say I, Peregrin son of Paladin of the Shire of the Halflings.”
Denethor smiled then, a look Pippin did not find all-too comfortable. “Leave us, Gandalf the Grey.”
Gandalf scowled, but he could not refuse a direct order from the Lord of the house. He gave Pippin a long, hard look. Then, with a swish of his cloak, he left the hall. The heavy stone doors slammed shut and Pippin was alone with Denethor.
Pippin made as if to stand, but Denethor lifted a hand. “Stay where you are, Master Peregrin.”
Pippin settled himself back on his heels.
“There is one final thing I need from you to know that you have indeed sword your service to Gondor.”
“Y-Yes, my Lord?”
“Take yourself in hand.”
“My Lord?” Surely, Pippin had not heard him correctly.
But Denethor merely raised an eyebrow.
Hands trembling, Pippin unbuttoned the placket in his trousers. He reached inside and pulled out his manhood, waiting for direction from Denethor.
“Now, Master Peregrin, to seal your pledge to Gondor, you must spill your seed upon the stone of Minas Tirith.”
Pippin stared at him, but Denethor’s face was entirely impassive.
Growing hard, more out of fear than excitement, Pippin began to stroke himself. He did not stop until he released his seed upon the stone at Denethor’s feet.
Denethor stood and walked around the spent Hobbit. “Welcome to my service,” he said softly.