An icon meme before I pass out ...
Take a look at my icons and list--
1. One that makes you automatically think of me.
2. One that you think I should TOTALLY use more often.
3. One that you don't get/needs more explanation/you have no idea why the hell I have it, and I will explain it.
Comments 10
2. The 'Two Lumps' alligator one. XD
3. The one of Grissom taking a pic of his foot? Wot?
As for the one of Griss taking a picture of his foot, not only is it just random and amusing, but I have this weird habit of, when I have my camera out, purposefully taking pictures of my foot ... And the feet of other people around me ... I have no idea why, mainly to be random. But the icon made me laugh because I was like, 'I do that!' So ... yeah. Mainly random. ;D
2. Totally the Two Lumps one where there is mentionings of an hours worth of lickings.
3. The Wave o' Babies one. It's not so much that I don't get as it really disturbs the hell out of me. XD Where the hell did that come from?
Oh the Wave o' Babies. XDDDD That would be a Teen Girl Squad reference - if you don't know TGS or Strong Bad or Homestar Runner, you need to check out Homestar and watch any and all the cartoons you can. TGS is a semi-stick figure animation that Strong Bad draws, and all the characters die in strange ways in every episode - in issue #6, the ugly one gets killed by a wave o' babies and it was the first time TGS almost made me die laughing. So I wanted an icon of it.
... Please? *o__o*
Oh, Snooch. You are so awesome. I feel like that sometimes ...
"I Fancy You" is an Eddie quote ... It's from Dressed to Kill, when he's talking about puberty and how he didn't have the capacity to chat up girls when he was in middle/high school, and he has that whole schpiel that he lays out that ends with "I Fancy You!" and it makes me weak in the knees. XD Of course, everyone's favorite bit is after that ...
"But instead we're more like, ''ello, Sue! ... I've got knees! ... D'you like ... bread?? I've got a french loaf! *hits her with the french loaf* Byyyyeee! *runs away* I love you!"
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