i loathe the human face. the balanchinean choreography in my head - it is the faultless body that speaks so clearly as mine does, even when fat-in-the-mirror, and a mask that covers each feature of the face
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MOSCOW, Russia (CNN) -- Russian officials say 36 of the Chechen hostage-takers were killed early Saturday after Russian forces stormed the building where the rebels were holding some 700 hostages
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just put on a warm dress over my night things. incongruously layered items of apparel - not another step on the path to an fast and final mental illness?
i cant believe leo has been awake for 2 hours almost. i think i cant take it. surely my voice is getting an edge. i must pause to modulate to kindness - for each reply.
i am pretending it is christmas. well, not really. not waiting for any presents o' lord no i am not. - just noting the pavlovian pup i am. it is so. this was the album i had as a child. it does really kinda make injection of calm.