Fic: There's No Tomorrow (3/?)

Sep 03, 2010 19:42

Fandom: Community
Title: There's No Tomorrow
Character/Pairing(s): Jeff, Jeff/Annie
Rating: PG
Summary: Jeff is forced to live the same day over and over again.
Disclaimer: Community, I wish.
A/N - From thejesterking's groundhog day prompt for Ficcy Friday. Sorry this chapter took so long. I had school stuff to take care of. And I rewrote this like three times so you guys better freaking love this. Lol.

Chapter One - Chapter Two


Day Three

Jeff used to think that the day he got disbarred was the worst day of his life. Then it changed to the day he got banned from Pottery class, because that was embarrassing. Then the first day back to Greendale, after a long Summer of avoiding Britta, Annie and Slater. But now there was no doubt in his mind that May 26th was the worst day of his life. The thing was that all those other worst days got resolved by the end of the week. May 26th however was a never ending day. Jeff was stuck in a loop of redundant Thursdays. The worst day of his life literally would never end. That was possibly the most depressing thought ever.

And it wasn't like Jeff had no optimism left inside him. He woke up that third Thursday morning, hoping that it would be Friday. Seeing as he'd already lived two Thursdays, it was only fair. But then again, what did fair have to do with anything? If it had already been Thursday twice, what reason would the universe have to stop now? Jeff was stuck. And there was absolutely nothing he could do about it.

His drive to Greendale was an incredibly depressing one. The radio played the same crappy songs that it had played on the other two Thursdays. The people around him all went to do whatever things they'd probably already done on Thursdays passed. Nothing could cheer Jeff up now. The only thing going through his head was this horrible day. It was haunting him in every possible way.

"Jeff? Je-eff? Jeeeeff?" Abed waved his hand in front of Jeff's face. Jeff blinked twice and turned to Abed.

"What?" He said, with more hostility than he meant to use.

"Snape told me to tell you to do something once you've snapped out of your daydream. I told her you don't like to do more than the necessary amount of work, but she wouldn't listen" Abed said.

Jeff rubbed his eyes and sighed. "I know, Abed" He moaned. Abed shrugged and went back to his sculpting.

Study group wasn't too good either. As Abed talked about his character development, he just counted down the seconds until Britta and Troy walked in, complaining about Troy's wrong arrangement of steps. And then he'd have to turn down Pierce. And then they'd all think he was a jerk. And the day would carry on just like yesterday and the day before, and there was nothing he could do to fix it, except live it.



"When are you gonna ask her out?" Shirley said sweetly.

"Ask who out?"

"Snape." Jeff rolled his eyes.


"Why not?" Shirley whined.

"Because I already had sex with her."

"But it's her first day" Abed noted.

"No, it's her third day. You only think it's her first day because this stupid day never ends" Jeff said knocking his head back with annoyance.

"Jeff are you okay?" Annie asked.

"You keep zoning out" Abed stated.

"No, I'm not okay. There is something seriously wrong with me, and I don't know what to do about it."

"Just come out of the closet. We won't judge you. Except for Annie and Britta, but that's only because you used them as beards" Pierce said.

"He's not gay, Pierce."

"You'd know."

"Guys!" Jeff shouted, slamming both his hands on the table. Annie and Shirley flinched away a little. Abed just looked confused, and slightly frightened.


"Do not say speaking of gays!" Jeff said pointing a warning finger at Pierce.

"Thanks Jeff" Britta said as she and Troy entered.

"How was dance class?"

"It was bad, Troy got some moves wrong. On to my problem now" Jeff said quickly.

"That was rude" Annie noted.

"I didn't get any moves wrong" Troy said.

"Actually you did" Britta told him.

"Guys!" Jeff exclaimed again.

"Ladies, that's all fine and dandy but you should listen to me now because I've got very important news."

"No. Pierce, nobody wants to go to your sons wedding with you. Now could you all listen, I have a serious problem."

"Yeah, it's called bad manners" Annie said.

"How did he even know I was gonna say that?"

"Because something really messed up is happening to me."

"Aw, is hair growing in unexpected places?" Britta teased.

"Britta, I'm serious."

"Well, what's wrong?" Shirley asked with motherly concern.

"Okay, what day was yesterday?" Jeff asked them.

"Wednesday" said the group, collectively.

"Well for me it was Thursday."

"Today is Thursday" Abed said frankly.

"Yes, that's my point!" Jeff exclaimed.

"I don't get it" Troy said giving Jeff a confused look. The rest of the group murmured in agreement.

"Today is Thursday. Yesterday was Thursday. The day before yesterday was Thursday. It's always Thursday!" Jeff exclaimed.

"Yesterday was Wednesday" Troy said, still not getting it.

"Not for me!" Jeff said waving his hands with frustration.

"Jeff are you okay? Do you want us to call a doctor?" Britta asked patting his hand with hers, like he was a kid lost in a supermarket.

"I'm not crazy Britta" Jeff growled at her. Britta backed away quickly. "I mean, obviously I'm a little crazy since it's Thursday everyday, but that doesn't explain how I knew everything you guys were gonna do."

"Maybe you're in a coma, and you keep dreaming its Thursday" Troy said. They all gave Troy a pointed look.

"Yes, clearly I'm in a coma" Jeff said sarcastically.

"Maybe your calendar's wrong and really the other days were just Tuesday and Wednesday and you thought it was Thursday" Annie suggested. Everyone nodded with her.

"No, my calendar said it was Thursday."

"Maybe your calender's broken."

"Okay, Troy, you no longer have a say in this conversation."

"He could be right" Abed defended. "Did you use the calendar on your phone?"

"No, guys! It's not the calender, it's this day" Jeff snapped.

"We should take him to see a doctor" Britta suggested.

"Do we have time, what if he goes crazy and tries to kill us?" Pierce asked.

"Professor Duncan's a psychologist, we could have him take a look at Jeff" Annie said.

"No, I am not letting Duncan play shrink with me" Jeff said. They all ignored him.

"Okay who's gonna take him?"

"Well, we're supposed to have class with him anyway, so I'll just take him."

"Great, Annie'll take care of it."

"Should we sedate him or something."

"I'll do it."

"Pierce sit down."

"What, I was just going to smother him with a pillow."

"How is that sedating him?"

"Well he wouldn't be awake."

"Listen, crazy people! I'm not going to talk about this with Duncan" Jeff said with his 'I'm in charge' voice.

"Should I wait for class, or should I just take him now?" Annie asked with a concerned look.

"The sooner the better" Abed said. Everyone else nodded. "Okay, come on Jeff" Annie said, like she was talking to a puppy. She stood up from her seat and stood behind Jeff waiting for him to comply.

"I'm not going to Duncan's" Jeff protested. Annie rolled her eyes.

"Jeff, you said you wanted help. Duncan's gonna help you."

"No, I'm not that crazy. And if I was, he wouldn't be any help."

"Jeff, you seriously need to talk to a professional."

"He's not a professional."

"Uh, yeah he is. He's a professor" Troy said the word slowly, as if the two words meant the same thing.

"I'm not going" Jeff said crossing his arms like a stubborn child.

"Jeff!" Annie exclaimed with frustration, stomping her foot in the process.

"No. I'm not going."


Okay, so he ended up going. Not that he didn't fight it. Annie tried to lift him out of his chair, but he wouldn't budge. Then Troy and Pierce tried. They got him out of the chair but he kicked around causing Pierce to drop him, he took that as his opportunity to grab on to the leg of the table. It took another ten minutes of Troy, Abed and Pierce pulling him, and him clinging onto the leg of the table, until they finally got him out of the study room. They had to drag him half way there until he finally started walking on his own. They let him go briefly and he ran back a bit, but Abed caught him and he walked the rest of the way reluctantly linked to Abed and Annie.

Duncan didn't have a class before their Analysis Buh-whatever-the-name-was class, so he said he'd talk to Jeff before their class started. Jeff sat in the first row with his face resting on his hand. He hadn't said a word since he'd gotten there and Annie stood behind him with her arms crossed, waiting for him to speak.

"So, what seems to be the problem Jeffrey?" Duncan asked after five minutes of none of them saying anything.

"There's no problem" Jeff said casually.

"Than what about the whole Thursday thing you told, us in the study room?"

"What Thursday thing?" Jeff asked.

"Jeff!" Annie whined with frustration.

"So, there's no problem here then?" Asked Duncan, impatiently.

"Nope!" Jeff said simply.

"Okay, well I have some papers to grade, so if you two don't mind waiting outside until class starts."

"Great" Jeff said, happily jumping out of his seat. Annie followed him with a frown.

"Why didn't you tell Duncan what you told us?" Annie asked angrily.

"Because, I don't want Ian Duncan" (he scoffed out the name), "to think I'm crazy" Jeff answered.

"Jeff, I really think you need some help."

"I know, me too. But I don't want help from some random stranger. Or Duncan. I want it from you...and the group. From my actual friends" Jeff said taking a step closer to her.

"And our suggestion is that you go see a doctor as soon as possible." She patted his arms gently.

"No, Annie this is too weird for a doctor."

"Look, I know a guy. My mom went to him for a while, I'll call her tonight and ask for his number. See if I can set up an appointment for you."

"Annie, none of that's gonna matter tomorrow, when I wake up and it's Thursday."

"Tomorrow will be Friday, Jeff" Annie said with concern.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Two Thursday's ago!"

"Jeff, I think you're just getting the days of the week mixed up. If it really was Thursday yesterday and the day before, don't you think some one else would notice?"

"No, because I'm the only one who ever remembers anything that happened the day before."

Annie gave him a skeptical look. "And this is supposed to convince me not to make you see a doctor?"

"Annie please." He was practically begging now. He understood that she was worried, and he was pretty sure that if he were in her place, he'd tell him to see a doctor too. But he didn't want some guy who he'd never met before asking him 'how do you feel about that?' and thinking he was crazy. Even if he was crazy, a doctor was the last thing he needed right now.

"What if I come with you?"


"To see a doctor, I'll go with you and then if you don't like it we'll just come back here." How did she do that? She had to be the only person on the planet who could make him want to go see a doctor. Well, he didn't really want to see a doctor, but driving to a doctor's office with Annie was time well spent in Jeff's book. Of course then he'd have to actually talk to some stranger, about how it was always Thursday. Then again, it was a small price to pay anyway.

"Okay" Jeff said. Annie grinned happily at him.


The first five minutes of their drive was spent with Jeff keeping his eyes on the road, and Annie keeping her eyes on Jeff, to make sure he didn't freak out and crash them into a lamppost. Jeff was incredibly aware of Annie's eyes on him, which only made him wish he'd never said anything about this stupid day in the first place. Why did he say anything? They were obviously going to think he was crazy. What possible solution was he hoping for?

He sighed and gripped the wheel a little tighter. "Annie?"


"Could you stop staring at me? It's weird."

Annie's eyes widened, apparently she wasn't aware that he knew she was staring. She turned to face the opposite window quickly, trying to hide her rapidly redening cheeks. The atmosphere around them was dangerously near awkward, so Annie decided to act quickly, and avoid it entirely.

"Let's play a game!"


"I'm bored, let's play a game."

"We're not on a road trip Annie, we'll be there in like ten minutes."

"Ten boring minutes. We could be doing something fun."

"Car games aren't fun."

"You sound like Britta."

"How dare you."

"Play a game with me."

"Ugh, fine. But I choose the game."

"Okay. What game?"

"Truth or dare."

"We're in a car, what possible dares can we do that don't endanger our lives?"

"Save the dares for later."


"You go first."

"Truth or dare."

"Dare." They stopped at a red light.

"You're just saying that so you won't have to do anything."

"I am offended by that accusation" Jeff said feigning insult. Annie smiled.

"I dare you to...hit on to Pierce when we get back."

Jeff glared at Annie. "You. Are. Evil."

Annie gave him a playful smirk. "You're the one who chose dare" she said, if she wasn't a twenty years old with giant eyes, she probably wouldn't seem as innocent as she was making herself out to be.

"Fine, I'll do it later."

"I'm holding you to that."

"Truth or dare?" Jeff asked as the lights turned green.

"Truth." Jeff groaned.


"Playing it safe, Edison. That is so Britta."

"How dare you" She said in the same way he had earlier, but he could see her holding back a laugh. "Fine dare."

Jeff gave her his most evil smirk. "I dare you to sing."

Annie's eyes widened. A few months before, when she thought she was alone in in the study room she had started singing Take On Me to herself, because it had been stuck in her head all morning. Annie had always known that she was an awful singer, but there was no one in the library other than her, and she was studying alone, so she wasn't being very aware of herself. Somehow, her singing had gotten progressively louder without her noticing. It was only halfway through the second verse that she spotted Jeff, Troy and Pierce watching her with giant grins on their faces. Pierce was in the middle of taking out his phone so he could show the entire internet her disastrous singing. Since that day, the three of them took every opportunity they could to try and make her sing again, so they could laugh at her. Even after Britta threatened to castrate them if they made fun of her again.

"W-what do you want me to sing?" Annie asked. Her heart had started beating really fast with the knowledge of her future embarrassment.

"I can't believe you even need to ask" Jeff said with a mischievous smirk. Annie couldn't help but think that all he needed was horns and he could be the devil.

"Jeff, no-"

"Annie, it's my dare. And I am daring you to sing Take On Me."

"Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeff!" Annie dragged out his name for four whiny syllables.

"Come on Annie. Do Aha proud."

"I hate you."


"Do I have to do it now?"

"I'm sorry, would you rather do it in front of the group. With Troy. And Pierce. And Pierce's iPhone. That has a high quality camera?"


"You know, he may be old, but he sure knows a lot about 'The Youtube' as he likes to call it."


"There's only one way out of this."

"Fine! Talking away..." And Annie sang her way through a very speedy, and quiet rendition of Take On Me, while Jeff grinned like an idiot. She had to give him props for containing his laughter until the second chorus. He did have a few manly giggles, but nothing that could permanently damage Annie's self-esteem, until the second chorus when all hell broke loose. Jeff broke into a laughter that seemed endless, he nearly had tears coming out of his eyes. When Annie was done singing, she crossed her arms like a child, and faced the window with a frown on her face. She waited for Jeff's laughter to die down so she could forget that this entire moment ever happened.

"Truth or dare?" She grumbled when the laughs became quiet chuckles.



"Like I'm gonna let you dare me after forcing you to sing. I'm not stupid Annie."

Annie didn't say anything. She was still facing the opposite window so Jeff started to worry that she was mad at him. She didn't speak, which added to Jeff's worry, and he mentally slapped himself for getting her upset on yet another Thursday. He saw Annie slouch a little, as if she'd just let out a sigh, and she turned back to face him.

"Okay, if you could do anything you wanted without ever having to face consequences, what would you do?"

"What do you mean no consequences?"

"You know, like no matter how wrong the thing you did was, nobody would ever care. They'd just forget about it."

"Technically I already..." And then the greatest realization Jeff had ever made in his entire life hit him. It hit him like a speeding car with one of his past clients in it. Annie's truth wasn't hypothetical whatsoever. He was living it at the very moment. He'd already pissed her off two Thursday's in a row, and he never had to apologize. He slept with his hot substitute, and he didn't have to face any awkward chit chat in class the next day. He didn't have to face any consequences at all. He could finally eat those incredibly sugary cakes in the cafeteria, without worrying about his perfect body. He could sleep with Snape as many times as he wanted, without it ever turning into anything more than a one-night-stand. He could punch Biff in the face, without worrying that he looked like a jerk for enjoying it. This was possibly the greatest thing to ever happen to him. May 26th wasn't the worst day of his life, it was a blessing in disguise. It was a gift from the highest of possibly existing gods. It was the best day of his life, and he was about to go to the doctor and pretty much ruin the whole thing. He couldn't do that. Not when he had a chance to live the best day of his life forever.

"Well?" Annie asked. Jeff swerved his Lexus to the other direction causing several cars to beep at him. He could see a van crashing into a passing car from his rearview mirror.

"Jeff what the hell are you doing?" Annie shouted grabbing onto the door of the car so that she didn't end up flying out of her seat.

"Going back."

"What? Why?"

"Annie, if you could do anything you wanted without facing the consequences, wouldn't you?" Jeff said with a smirk. Annie shrunk back in the passenger seat, with a terrified expression on her face.

"Jeff, the question was just part of the game. I didn't mean literally. You'd end up screwed if you did something like that!" Annie yelled at him.

"That's what's so great about it! If anyone else did it, they'd probably get screwed. Me, I can just keep doing it over and over again, and it won't ever matter. I'm invincible!" Jeff said. He pressed down on the gas pedal so that they could speed down to Greendale faster. If Annie didn't think that he was crazy before, she sure thought it now. And maybe he was. So what? He could do anything. If being free in every possible way you can think of, is crazy, than Jeff was the craziest around!

"Jeff, you need to see a doctor! Now!" Annie screamed at him, nearing a shrillness that Troy had nicknamed 'The Brain Stabbing Sound'. Jeff ignored her, or at least tried to. She was a little to loud to completely block out.

"Annie, I'm fine" He said calmly. Annie's hand gripping the side of her seat tightly, told him that she wasn't very reassured by this.

She screeched out something that Jeff guessed was supposed to be a coherent sentence, but just sounded like a high pitched noises. She had passed 'The Brain Stabbing Sound'. That was actually rather impressive.

Jeff slowed down the car and parked at the side of the road, so she could calm down. He wasn't sure if Annie was worried for him, or worried for herself, either way, she looked like she was about to vomit from the anxiety.

Annie took a deep breath, so that her heart rate could slow down a little. "What...why...Jeff, seriously.." She soon realized that there were no words to describe what had just happened, because she still didn't know what had just happened. Jeff just went kind of psycho all of a sudden. "Why did you do that?"

"I was wrong about the Thursday thing."


"You were right, it was probably just Wednesday, and I got the days mixed up."

"What!" She was getting louder.

"No big deal" Jeff said with a shrug. From the look in her eyes, he could tell it was a huge deal. She'd never let him live this down, but then again, it's not like she'd even remember after today. May 26th was awesome!

"No big deal? Jeff, you nearly got us killed back there. And you suddenly realized that you mixed up the days. Do you know how insane that sounds?"

"What, I changed my mind."

"No, changing your mind is buying a red shirt and exchanging it for a black one a week later. What you did was..." Jeff waited expectantly, trying not to laugh at her freaking out. It wasn't particularly funny, he just wanted to laugh because of the great feeling he got from knowing that he was going to get away with this. "Bipolar!" Annie finished.

"So I'm bipolar. We don't need a doctor anymore" He said starting the car. Annie looked extremely uneasy. "Don't worry, we'll just go back to Greendale and forget about this whole Thursday fiasco."

Annie nodded an okay for him to go, but she kept her hands gripping the sides of her seats for the rest of the drive.


When they got back to Greendale, Annie practically sprinted to the study room, so that she could ask the rest fo the group for help with what to do about Jeff. Jeff on the other hand, went in the opposite direction towards the trash cans where Chang's moped had probably been dumped. If he was really going to milk this day for all it was worth, he had to make sure that he could do something completely insane, and still wake up safely in his bed the next morning. He knew what he was going to do.

While he and Annie had been on their drive back, he had spotted a short Chinese kid knocking his little sister's ice cream out of her hand. This reminded him of one thing. Chang. Chang who probably ran over Blondie, (as Jeff had recently named her), because Jeff hadn't been around to save her. Again. Jeff had to get Chang back. He couldn't just keep running over Blondie and not expect Jeff to do something about it, because letting poor Blondie get run over again was just wrong.

Jeff rounded a corner. He passed the dean's office where he could see the dean beginning to lift the large box of autobiographies. He was motioning for the human being to help him, but being caught in a white suit with no eye holes seemed to have its setbacks in that department. And then another crazy idea popped into Jeff's head.

He was going to have the best revenge on Chang ever!


"Guys there's something really wrong with Jeff!" Annie exclaimed as the group walked into the study room.

"Didn't we already have this conversation?" Britta asked as they all took their seats.

"Yes, but we went to Duncan, and Jeff said he didn't want to talk to some one who's not us, so I said I'd got to the doctors with him, then we played truth or dare in the car, and he made me sing, and then I asked what he'd do without consequences, then he went on a road rage, and said he was fine, and I was right, and his days were mixed up, then we came back here, and now we need to help him!"

"Oh my god, Annie breathe!" Britta exclaimed.

"You sang and I missed it? Damn" Troy said crossing his arms and pouting childishly.

"Troy!" Annie squealed with irritation. Troy jumped in his chair.

"Well Annie sweetie, where's Jeff now?" Shirley asked placing a comforting hand on Annie's arm.

"I don't know, I-" Annie was interrupted by the sound of a motor coming from outside library.

"What's that?" Britta asked.

Troy gasped and started shaking Abed's arm with excitement. "I told you the aliens would get our message!" Abed grinned back with enthusiasm. Everyone else shook them off and headed outside to see what the commotion was about.

"Well it's not an alien" Pierce said when they saw what it was. In the distance they could see some one dressed as the human being, (minus the mask), riding Chang's half broken moped. The only thing that told them it wasn't the human being was the fact that the person was much more built, and the costume was too small for them.

"Who is that?" Britta asked, squinting at the shape of the figure. They turned the moped around and started driving back in the group's direction.

"Isn't that Chang's moped?" Troy asked.

"Isn't that the human being?" Shirley added.

"Guys, that's Jeff" Abed said.

"No way. That can't be..." Britta began, with disbelief, but as the figure got closer, they found that indeed it was Jeff. Jeff was driving Chang's broken moped, wearing the human being costume.

"Oh. My. God." Troy said quietly, speaking the entire group's minds.

"Annie, what was it you were saying about Jeff needing help?" Shirley asked, tapping Annie's arm nervously. They all stared as Jeff came closer, unable to tear their eyes away. They were all feeling scared and worried about Jeff's health, but at the same time they couldn't move from where they were standing.

The scene only got worse when Chang came running towards them. "Winger, what the hell are you doing?" He shouted as he ran towards Jeff. Jeff smirked and waved as he got closer. "What is wrong with him?" Chang asked the group angrily. They all shook their heads simultaneously. Chang just grunted at them and walked towards Jeff, who was only a few yards away now.

"How's it going?" Jeff asked. He started to circle Chang.

"What are doing?"

"Just having a little fun. I can see why you raced against Leonard, this is exciting" Jeff taunted. He was like a shark circling his prey. The group, and everyone else who was around, just watched them, wide-eyed.

"That thing's broken you know. The breaks don't work, you can't stop it."

"You're right, I guess I'll just have to crash into something, or some one" Jeff added the perfect amount of threat to his voice, and then smirked again.

"Are you insane?"

"Hey, if whoever I happen to crash into can't get out of the way fast enough, then they get what's coming to them. Right?" Jeff provoked.

"Jeff, what are you doing?" Annie asked, snapping out of the collective shocked silence, the group had fallen under.

"Nothing Annie. Don't worry." Jeff called back to Annie. He kept his eyes on the slightly cautious Asian man, in front of him.

"Jeff, I really think you should get off that" Shirley said.

"Not yet." He stopped circling Chang and drove away from them. Once he was a good hundred yards away he turned the moped around and started to speed up, directly at Chang.

"Jeff, stop!" Annie called out to him with fear. Chang started to back away.

"Turn around dude!" Troy yelled.

Jeff ignored his friends' worried warnings. He needed to do this. For Blondie. For his newly discovered freedom. Jeff may have to relive this day for the rest of his life, and he didn't have time to save Blondie everyday, but this was sure as hell going to make up for it. Chang was going to pay for running over people, and for being a really annoying ex-Spanish teacher, and for luring a bird to crap on Jeff's car, (yes, Jeff was blaming him now. If it could be Thursday everyday, than Chang could lure a bird to his Lexus). Chang started to run, screaming at the crowds of people in front of him to move out of the way. Jeff only got faster. He could feel the adrenaline running through his veins. That pumping feeling he only ever got when he was super excited, or when he was watching a suspenseful movie, or when he was about to kiss some one. No not just some one, when he was about to kiss some one that mattered. Some one that mattered.

He knew the group were all watching him with dread, waiting for him to do something completely deranged. They were all worried about him, all hoping that he wouldn't get hurt. Annie was hoping that he wouldn't get hurt. Before Jeff could process what he was about to do, he did his second suicidal swerve of a motor vehicle that day. The moped skidded to the side and toppled over, sliding on the concrete for a few meters more. He could hear people screaming in shock. There was a sharp, stinging feeling in his right leg, and he could tell that the human being costume was ripped in several places. His head felt heavy and his arm felt like it had been smashed by a jackhammer. He was starting to feel everything around him spin, he could see the blurry shapes of the group all staring down at him. He could faintly hear their voices echoing, but they sounded like they were miles away. The last thing he remembered was the bile rising in the back of his throat, and two panicked, mermaid-esque, blue eyes staring down at him. Then everything went black.


Day Four

Jeff woke up, wrapped in his bed just as he had been every other morning. His leg felt fine, his arm seemed like it was all in one piece, and there didn't seem to be any scars. He tried to think back to what happened the day before. He remembered going straight for Chang, he remembered changing his mind in the last minute. Then everything was gone. But he wasn't worrying himself too much about what had happened to him the day before. Instead, he was celebrating. He had just acted completely and utterly mad, only to wake up again on a Thursday without any repercussions to face up to. It worked! He had done the unthinkable and he was sitting in his bed, alive and well, with a complete blank canvas to work with. It worked!

Jeff wasn't quite sure what he was going to do with his day, now that he could do anything, but one thing was for certain: Jeff felt pretty damn good about Thursday.

prompt, jeff winger, jeff/annie, fanfic

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