30 Days of Porn - Day 10: Fast

Mar 10, 2011 10:27

Title: Fast
Continuity: G1
Warnings: hints to bondage, implied tactile smut
Pairing: Springer/Blurr
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Sadly, I own nothing.
Summary: Everything Blurr does, he does too fast…
Prompt: Fast (prompted by primusatemyleg)
Beta: ultharkitty

Note: Written for Day 10 of the 30 Days of Porn Meme.
Vaguely based on this prompt from the old kink meme. Maybe I’ll write more for it someday…


It didn’t take long for Blurr to overload.

It was only to be expected, Springer mused, as he watched the blue bot twitching his way through overload. Straining the cuffs on wrists and feet, chained to the berth, the position oh so vulnerable, the blue frame tensed as the vocaliser generated a staticky shriek.

The image was thrilling, and Springer hid his grin behind his hand. It had been sensible to restrain the speedster when a mere touch could get him off this fast.

“I… I told you…” Blurr whimpered, static in his voice while his EM field still pulsed with excess energy.

Indeed, Blurr had told the triple changer that interfacing wouldn’t be a good idea. That Springer wouldn’t get much from this…

But Blurr was wrong.

Springer’s hand slid teasingly over the other’s warm chest plating, and he leaned down, nibbling at Blurr’s helm.

The blue mech moaned, squirming; Springer’s grin broadened.

“And I told you I’d like it.”

This was going to be a long night…

Also posted here

*30 days of porn, autobot: blurr, autobot: springer, .transformers (g1), !fanfiction, -slash

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