Apr 06, 2009 00:50


Having trouble with your application? Worried whether it'll be accepted or not? Here are some tips that we offer for prospective players to get an idea of what we look for in an app.

→ Read the rules. This is a big thing, you must read the application rules (as well as the community rules) and the HP!Canon to apply. Not following the rules is a good way to get wavered. And subsequently rejected. And we REALLY don't like rejecting people.

→ Word Count. If a section has a word count, writing less than required is another good way to get wavered. We DO check, so doing a few words extra is the safest bet. The word count is so we can see you have a grasp on the character enough to write a decent amount on them.

→ Grammar and Spelling. This should be a given, but an application ridden with grammatical errors does not a happy mod make. We view grammar issues as something that will persist during play and it can be distracting for your fellow players. Given the fact that people tend to have a lot more time to mull over an application than a tag, checking your spelling and grammar is highly recommended.

→ Personality. We like to see ALL aspects of their personality, especially if it undergoes a large upheaval in canon. Even if you plan on picking up a character midway in their development and playing it out in-game, we want to see that you know your character and how they grow or react to different circumstances. This portion is important, because no matter how their history is morphed for Harry Potter canon, their personality should stay the same. Staying IC is important.

→ Hogwarts Houses. Characters are complex, and they rarely fit in just one house. Most people have the personality they reveal to others, and then their true selves (which might be a different person entirely). In this section, we're asking for you to explain how your character might be courageous, loyal, clever, or resourceful, and if they completely don't fit a house, we're asking you to explain why. We generally don't recommend using this as an opportunity to pimp your character for a certain house or over generalize with 'they aren't pushovers so they can't be Hufflepuff' or 'they don't hate muggles and they aren't evil so they can't be Slytherin'. This section is so that we can get a fuller image of your character and your understanding of them, so we can better pick a house for them. For brief info on the characteristics of each house, read up on them on the FAQ.

→ Canon!History. When we say brief, we really do mean that. A few paragraphs is fine, but a 3 page report is excessive, unless the series is extremely obscure. Whether the canon history is long or short, we will research your series and hopefully have a mod who knows it judge your app. This is more for your benefit to re-examine your character's history in preparation for doing the HP!Canon history, and to see if you know your canon. (But don't give us 2 sentences, plz.) For the Hetalia characters, we prefer to see more of the history of the character in the context of the comic, rather than the actual history of the country. You can have a little of the latter, but if it's nothing but that, you'll probably be asked to revise it.

→ HP!Canon History. This is the place people often struggle the most. The thing to consider is, if your character was a wizard, how would they be? It's a great chance to get creative, but it's also the place that tends to have the most amount of issues in converting the original canon for the character. When in doubt, consult the FAQ and the links provided on the HP!Canon Guide. Consulting a moderator before applying is also wise if having difficulty.

The best advice for this portion is to use common sense and to write a backstory that will result in your character having the same personality as they do in canon. This is also the portion to put the classes or hobbies your character enjoys.

→ Suitability. This is a section for teacher characters only, and it is not always required. However, if you feel there may be some question as to why Dumbledore would hire your character (for example, if they are a murderous psychopath, if they can't manage basic spells, if they are allergic to children, etc), we would like you to provide a clear explanation as to why they should be hired. If the mods are unsure about your character's suitability, we may ask for elaboration on this section.

→ First Person. First person is an entry written by your character on the journal system for others to read. This is a chance to showcase two things: their personality and your handle on the voice of the character. You've described their personality, so this is the place to show it. Showing speech patterns that the character shares is also encouraged. They can post about homework, quidditch, or anything, so long as it displays part of who they are, even if it's only the face they show to their peers.

→ Third Person. The third person sample is at times viewed as difficult, but it doesn't have to be. The best third person posts are the ones that have the character doing a physical action that shows their personality and how they act. Your character could be doing something mundane, such as studying, walking through the hallway, or practising spells, but if the spell sets someone on fire, is it intentional? Were they having difficulty prior to casting it? Does anyone comment to it, and what is your character's reaction to them?

This is just one example, but it's meant to display that the log doesn't have to be fancy, it just has to be consistent with who they are. Many fail to make the word limit for this one, so being conscientious of your word count is important as well.

→ When in doubt. Contact a mod before submitting. There is no lack of places to message us and we'll be happy to help. You can also comment to the FAQ or this entry if you have a question you think everyone could benefit from. We have a sample application for those who find themselves struggling, as well.

Hope all of this helps and happy apping~!

info, applications

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