fanart for dcu_freeforall

Aug 30, 2009 21:49

Title/Description: fanart
Creator: modestroad
Claim: Barbara Gordon
Characters/Pairing: Barbara, Batman/Barbara, Dinah/Barbara
Rating: G
Prompt: #8 Fly, #48, 49 Writer's Choice
Author's Notes/Warnings:

fanart this way )

dcu_freeforall, dinah, barbara, fanart, batman

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Comments 4

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modestroad August 31 2009, 06:44:10 UTC
Thank you :D


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modestroad September 2 2009, 10:12:53 UTC
Thank you :D The images are from BoP #84


darthbatgirl September 4 2009, 12:49:37 UTC
Oh so love these! The last one especially is gorgeous, (Ive been a Bruce/Babs closet shipper forever) where is the art from?


modestroad September 4 2009, 18:51:13 UTC
Bruce/Babs is my secret love too. ;) The images are from BoP #84. That was a lovely issue. Dinah almost kissed Babs and Bruce just did it :D


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