Title: Sexual Healing (2/3)
Rating: M
Characters/Pairings: Swan Queen, Snow, David, Hook, Gold
Spoilers: OUaT 2x22
Word Count: 895
Summary: Regina used all her magic to the mines and is up to Emma to help her restore her power.
A/N: For
janejuly . SQ, after S2 finale. Regina is exhausted and they know the only way to restore some energy ;)They know how
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Comments 2
Loved it, gonna go read part 3 now. Just one note: in the beginning, it says that to Emma, Regina is Henry's stepmom. She's actually his adoptive mother, which is not the same as a stepmother. :P
Yeah, lj was acting weird, but what else is new? :P It's actaully my fault 'cause it was supposed to be a two part story and then I decided that it was moving too fast so I wrote this part. I think it works better plot wise.
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